Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I actually froze in one place seeing this on CNN.
What wicked PR





Well-Known Member
shamans have been tripping for decades, scientists are just realizing it now (2006)? once again, another natural substance that shouldnt be illegal


Well-Known Member
I have no effects from them after they wear off.
I wish I was one of the few dozen who could of tested them.


Active Member
"if this were a dictatorship this be a hell ofa lot easier" hahaahaha, ............was this news report just recently??


Well-Known Member
few years ago I believe, i remember reading articles about it when it happened, that wasn't even the only place that did testing, I remember another article i read and they were trying to apply similar methods to alcoholics. with good results i believe


New Member
Good to see CNN broadcasting that. Also educating that their is very well benefits but at the same time point out there can be things to go bad while on Psilocin. For a short news real with good education is exactly what needs to be spread around


Well-Known Member
the mdma therapy was mentioned in oprah magazine recently (my mother told me i dont read Oprah magazine lol) now my mother is intrested in it. sorta off subject but thought i would throw that out there

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Well, perhaps you should get your mother some of that !!

Besides ... she is my age so she is most likely rollin behind your back ...



Well-Known Member
well i know she used to party hard but not since she had me and my brother, shes a cpa with over 15 years experince and totally falls under the librarian stero type, works for a major power company, she has alot to lose from risky stuff like that really admire her ability to leave that life style behind, while my dad went on to become a crack smokin degenerate, with a ton of kids he never see's...

but she wants the therapy sessions designed around the drug not just the drug. shes sorta anti illegal not really anti drug.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
well i know she used to party hard but not since she had me and my brother, shes a cpa with over 15 years experince and totally falls under the librarian stero type, works for a major power company, she has alot to lose from risky stuff like that really admire her ability to leave that life style behind, while my dad went on to become a crack smokin degenerate, with a ton of kids he never see's...

but she wants the therapy sessions designed around the drug not just the drug. shes sorta anti illegal not really anti drug.
Well that is actually very good .... as you are able to talk to her ... and that is the most important thing.


Well-Known Member
yeah we can comunicate, but she has no idea of my substance use or anything, i mean she knows i smoke pot cause she's bailed me out of jail for it, but other wise she as no idea....