Lollipoping during VEG...


Well-Known Member
Id like to remove the lower third foliage from my vegging plants because its getting very bushy in that space Id also like to use the cuttings as clones thus eliminating the need for a mother plant.
Can the vegging plants suffer any form of shock?


Well-Known Member
The donor plant automatically becomes the mother. There just isnt a need to keep a plant alive to be a dedicated mother. I had a similar question a couple of weeks ago and the general consensus was, you can clone a clone and then clone that clone, then turn around and clone that clone. Essentially, the clone becomes the mother, then its flowered. The clone that was taken follows the same cycle.

Yes the plant will suffer shock, for up to a week in some cases.

Dont forget to scrape the sides of the stem and split the bottom before you dip the cutting in rooting powder. Youll get a lot more roots a lot faster if you do that.