long stems layin over


Active Member
my plants are lookin pretty lame latley they have nice foliage ontop but the stems are thin and weak there layin over almost a natural LST lol but ya seriously is this going to matter? what if i post them up with tooth picks? hmmmm let me know what you guys thin if u need pictures refer to my grow journal in my sig!!


Active Member
add some pics. i just tie my plants up with pencils lol
lol i have tootpics crossed to make like a stand u would use to lay your fishing pole in.....i dont have pics on the computer i just posted some on my grow journal though the link is in the bottom of my post says MY JOURNAL----


Well-Known Member
just checked your journal... definatly keep your lights as close to your plants as possible without burning them.. i use HO floros and keep them under an inch from my plants.. check out my journal if you want... links below...

your plants should be ok.. they will correct themselves eventually.. i didnt read real real close but do you have a fan blowing on your sprouts?? if not you should.. moving air will help strength the stems up... for now what you did is the best you can do until it can support its own weight tho...

weed is very resiliant and can bounce back from near death.. just be patient and give it a few days...

good luck


Well-Known Member
what i usually do with my plants when theyre bigger is i tap on the stems every now and then for a bit. it seems to work. i tested it with my tomatoe plants, my tapped tomatoe is standing nice and tall and 4 others are laying down. on my first grow i had no problem with weak stems because i was always tapping at them. one of my plants actually developed quite a fat stem lol. but also im not sure if too much tapping in early stages might cause a plant to go male? could it? idk i doubt it, but maybe ask around before hand ( i dont want to all of a sudden turn your plants male lol) im a newb though too, just finishing my first grow here, and have 7 sprouts just starting out for my second try. only got half an ounce of each plant my first time. kinda sucked lol. but hey the smoke is great and im happy as can be.


Active Member
I grow outdoors so my plant gets a nice breeze. I agree with Johnwashburn though about tapping or poking the plants. Anything you can do to make the plant sway a bit will help it.
It's like muscles, they need to rip from exertion then heal to be stronger. But if you can see the rips, they're probably too big.


Active Member
well as you can see in my journal the plants are in a big box and i did have the fan on low blowing on them and it was makin them sway alot so then i just pointed it twards the top of the box to keep the stagnent air moving around and give them a little sway and what not but ill get it back in ther and blast them with it lol(not making them break that is!!) but yea i think it was cuz i had weak lights and then put the good ones on there and they just TOOK OFF on the weak stems but fuck it ill give it a few days acutly i just keep them keepin on till thy die. ill just keep propin them up or holdin them up with some toothpicks for now but ill switch to bamboo later if i have too! thanks for the replys guys!!!