Long Term Seed Storage - Mini Fridge


Well-Known Member
I've bought LOTS of seeds over the years, and wasted LOTS of money by not popping them and losing them to age. I've got seeds from 10 years ago. I also do not store my seeds as well as I should for how much I'm spending on them.

I've decided to try and do better, and liked this mini fridge for storing seeds and pollen for extended periods. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01G7IL476/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I wanted something small and cheap, last thing I need is another A/C compressor hogging current on my system. Can't store them in the house fridge cause KIDS.

My thought is to keep the seeds in the mini fridge inside sealed containers with desiccant packs. The fridge is small enough that I could keep it running for a while on a simple UPS battery backup system should the power fail.

Anyone ever use these?

too larry

Well-Known Member
Some say the little packs keeps them too dry. Rice is a good way to keep the moisture down, but not too far down.


Well-Known Member
I've bought LOTS of seeds over the years, and wasted LOTS of money by not popping them and losing them to age. I've got seeds from 10 years ago. I also do not store my seeds as well as I should for how much I'm spending on them.

I've decided to try and do better, and liked this mini fridge for storing seeds and pollen for extended periods. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01G7IL476/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I wanted something small and cheap, last thing I need is another A/C compressor hogging current on my system. Can't store them in the house fridge cause KIDS.

My thought is to keep the seeds in the mini fridge inside sealed containers with desiccant packs. The fridge is small enough that I could keep it running for a while on a simple UPS battery backup system should the power fail.

Anyone ever use these?
Try popping your old seed with ga3 ,it really help to increase the germ rate


Well-Known Member
Gibberellic acid, yeah I've got that too. Unfortunately it has not been a miracle worker but i suspect it is helping some. Got a favorite ppm ratio that you like to mix it?


Well-Known Member
And i should say, the new mini fridge is doing great. It seems to keep the temp about 30F below relative room temp. Great for now, but i worry it willget too cold in the winter. I'm not sure if it's temp controlled, more like just on all the time.


Well-Known Member
Good question. I know some people freeze seeds for long term. My problem is this thing can't regulate temp it seems. I figured it wouldn't be good if the seeds were freezing and then unfreezing multiple times.
Yeah freezing and unfreezing is bad for seeds, if you’re going to freeze them, keep them frozen until you’re ready to pop them. Most freezers also have a thaw/freeze cycle to reduce frost build up. You definitely don’t want to use one of those if storing anything sensitive. Most refrigerators are temp controlled to some degree.


Well-Known Member
And i should say, the new mini fridge is doing great. It seems to keep the temp about 30F below relative room temp. Great for now, but i worry it willget too cold in the winter. I'm not sure if it's temp controlled, more like just on all the time.
Get one of these https://www.amazon.com/Inkbird-Temperature-Controller-Fahrenheit-Thermostat/dp/B019I3YCFS/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1525380040&sr=8-8&keywords=inkbird+temperature+controller and rig it up to the mini fridge.

Or if you want plug and play, get this one https://www.amazon.com/Inkbird-Itc-308-Temperature-Controller-Thermostat/dp/B011296704/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1525380040&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=inkbird+temperature+controller&psc=1

Basically, stick the sensor in the mini-fridge, connect mini-fridge plug to controller, connect controller to power source, then program the unit.


Well-Known Member
One other thing; this mini-fridge is cooled by a peltier (which is why it can also heat things - reverse the current and it reverses the heat flow). Eventually it will burn out, so a temp controller with an alarm is a good idea. You don't have to worry too much about moisture in such a device, unless it is warm and humid when you open it up to get your beans. A good idea to use rice (or similar) just in case.