Long term viability of seeds


Active Member
I know this should prolly be in the seed thread but more ppl read this thread soo... How long will seeds stay viable in months as long as I keep them dry and cool. Like in a glass jar with a cork top?


Well-Known Member
ive heard of people using seeds they got in vietnam during the war they just found but i dunno if its real, lol, you should be able to keep them years i would imagine if you have the right enviroment so its plausible imo. they've got a seedbank in the southpole that will keep the seeds there viable for a few centuries.(w/o human care, if we are still around its all maintained and is kinda indefinite, its a few centuries after we stop caring for it)(thanks "life after people", lol) it all depends on enviroment.


Active Member
ive heard of people using seeds they got in vietnam during the war they just found but i dunno if its real, lol, you should be able to keep them years i would imagine if you have the right enviroment so its plausible imo. they've got a seedbank in the southpole that will keep the seeds there viable for a few centuries.(w/o human care, if we are still around its all maintained and is kinda indefinite, its a few centuries after we stop caring for it)(thanks "life after people", lol) it all depends on enviroment.

Lol, thanx for the reply dude +rep