Look what my friend did to my babies. THAT ASSHOLE.


So last night 10 o clock i went to check on my sour diesel babies and they were doing fine and their cubes were wet. This afternoon when i go check on them some of their fan leaves were dried and some of them were bent over. some of them stand but their leaves are down. odd thing is some of the top of the cubes were still a lightly moist. I want to know if these babies can bounce back. i gave them nutrient water which they are used to by now. ph 5.8 ppm 600 rh 29%-45%. What could have went wrong. what can i do now. these babies were expensive.



New Member
why does your so called friend have access to your growroom ?
and what did he do ?
forget to water them?


Well-Known Member
heat stroke-


mostly hit, id say.
if they are already rooted, cool the temps to high sixties, 70%,.remove severely damaged leaf portions and cut the lights, give a week of cloudy days to heal back up.

if they aren't rooted, good luck.


why does your so called friend have access to your growroom ?
and what did he do ?
forget to water them?
We were sharing them. he took them out of dome and brought them into the main veg room. Where the temp was 83 and RH 29%.

before he brought them out he top fed them. but didnt leave extra water in the tray.

@murfy They are mostly all rooted. I took them out of the main veg room and gave them some cloudy days. some are leaning over completely. Will they stand back up. Some are crispy. I think the crispy ones are gone. can someone confirm this. how do i increase room humity from 29 to 70% lol
all you can do is save anything green and place it under low florescent light for 24 hours on. Wait a week, if no roots or new green toss em. If you cant find any green and they are all brown and crispy, then they are dead im afraid...


Well-Known Member
Sad to see.....they are smoked, and if they survive at all, diesels are very easily stressed in my past experience, and could be hermied if they live. I've seen entire crops go hermie from a heck of a lot less stress than that.

Never ever ever try to grow with someone else. They will always fuck it up.

Sorry about that.....


New Member
Sad to see.....they are smoked, and if they survive at all, diesels are very easily stressed in my past experience, and could be hermied if they live. I've seen entire crops go hermie from a heck of a lot less stress than that.

Never ever ever try to grow with someone else. They will always fuck it up.

Sorry about that.....
yep and what if they give nutes and dont tell u and then u give them
best to have a checklist or something that before anything is done u can check to see if other already did


Update: I wasn't able to save these. If I would have took them out the Friday.(the day before the post) I probably could have saved them. by putting them under floresent light but it was too late. I'll take as an expensive lesson in troubleshooting. Could low rh be the culprit?


Well-Known Member
Any leaf matter that hasn't lost all life, or is still a little squishy and alive feeling still has a chance to recover...so...just trim of the crispy parts and then raise the humidity...with wet towels, or something...


Any leaf matter that hasn't lost all life, or is still a little squishy and alive feeling still has a chance to recover...so...just trim of the crispy parts and then raise the humidity...with wet towels, or something...
Even if the leaves were squishy and recover, the stress that these plants have endured may have been too overwhelming and may force them to be stunted.


Well-Known Member
i've seen this crap, they got really hot, and your buddy realized they were cooking so he drowned them with water. at least his intentions were good. the plant's will survive, but they're gonna lose a like 50% of the leaves, i would say you've lost 14 days of progress. they will bounce back its chill, at least they aint dead


Well-Known Member
the ph is way off, i can tell from the new growth that; iron & sulfur have been locked out. so um you know the drill
i use ph test kit comes with ph up and ph down a dropper and a test vile with a ph indicator dye in it. pretty simple if i can use it hahah, only 20 bucks or so, my water is ph of 7 so i drop it to around 6-6.5 its hard to hit 6.5 cause is supposed to be a dark yellow but not green im still trying to find that fine line of ph balance. but well worth the money :). so i think thats the drill getting a test kit and fixing the waters ph before you water etc. unless your going hydro then im in no position to talk hahah.