looking for 1ft flouroescent tube setup


Well-Known Member
where can i get a whole bunch of 1ft flourescent tube sockets which i can plug in directly into an outlet?

what do you think about these 2



can i just plug this one in or do i need to do self wiring?

i would like to get multiple of these.

also which is better t5 t8 and t12?


Well-Known Member
do you mean "ballast" when you're talking about tube sockets?

...anyway, check out ebay/insidesun.com/homedepot or walmart.

didn't want to go with cfl's huh?


Well-Known Member
i just mean the fixture. the thing that holds the actual bulb. i can get the bulb at 1000bulb.com I just need many 1 ft fixtures


Well-Known Member
T5, T8, and T12 are only different in their circumfrence.

T5 being the smallest followed by T8, and then T12. There is no difference as far as light output and what not. The only added benefit is the fact that you can fit more T5's in a square foot area than a T8 or T12.

I personally use 6 T12 40watt GE plant/ aquarium lamps for vegetative growth, I have found that these bulbs far surpass anything out there in any other size range.

Finding a 12" fluorescent lamp is going to be tricky. Check out pet stores because they carry smaller bulbs for aquarium use. The only problem is that most of them are specifically made for one system or another and tend to be EXPENSIVE.

I really like using my 48" GE plant/ aquarium wide spectrum bulbs because in my opinion they are PERFECT for veg, so if size is not that important then you might want to check into it.

Diferent bulbs makes ALL THE DIFFERNCE when growing plants.


Well-Known Member
i just mean the fixture. the thing that holds the actual bulb. i can get the bulb at 1000bulb.com I just need many 1 ft fixtures
you kind find the correct equipment to fit what ever size t5 as well as stuff to build your own fixtures and they have complete ones for 42 dollars i believe you want at lowes or at least the one i work at


Active Member
I use Arcadia Original Tropical Lamps
They have red and blue spectrums of light, and are designed to promote plant growth
you can buy these babies for 10 bucks a piece, and the mounts are only about 35 bucks ( for 3 bulb mount )
really cheap!