Looking for DIY tutorial


Well-Known Member
For those of you that have a SOG system going and have made your own aeroponic system, what tutorial did you use? I'm trying to find one that was made to support quite a bit of plants, but haven't had much luck. I also want to build multiple units. what's the best method of doing this?



New Member
google stinkbud
he use aero with a 3 week perpetual grow
he also had an article in hightimes about it


Well-Known Member
i've seen stinkbuds setup, but i'm not a fan of his system on the first page. not sure if he uses another system, as i don't have time to sift through 8000+ posts. on the other hand, the 2lbs on a 2x4 table is exactly what im looking for, thank you. I need a system that's more wider and less compact.

i also found this, in case anyone searches and comes across this thread:
