Looking for LED light recommendations


Active Member
I'm looking for some advice from anyone who has tried growing with LEDs. I really like the energy savings and alleged color ranges but it seems like there are a lot of cheap knock-offs out there.

What are the best brands?
I know that the tri and quad bands are the best.

What do you think of these?



The first one is obviously a little under powered but maybe 2 of them could grow 5 or 6 plants?

I'm looking to spend a little more than I would have to if I went with CFLs but not so much that the cost of the light wouldn't eventually get paid off by the savings in power consumption. Probably somewhere in the $200-$300 range.

DIY kits or even complete DIY is an option as well. I wouldn't mind spending a day soldering hundreds of LEDs onto a board, as long as I get the correct LEDs.

Peace :peace:

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I am using an led at present, and i am looking to switch to HPS whenever i get the money. The UFO units give descent results. A lot of units lack the correct intensity. If you do go LED, i would recommend mixing in some CFL and some UVB.


Active Member
Cool, thanks for the reply.
Is the UFO that you're using the 90W triband? How much did you pay for it? Did you veg and flower with it?


Active Member
Not to deter you but i'd recommend you go buy a HID Digital Ballast that way you can switch between MH and HPS for flowering and veg...
Thanks for the recommendation. I would probably go that route if my setup were different. I'm doing a stealthish grow in a closet. I have about 3'x4' of floor space and about 4' of height to work with (lights, pots, and plants). SO cooling is an issue, that's why I initially thought CFL and LEDs now...
Also the energy savings with LEDs is just unbeatable.


Well-Known Member
I was just looking at these, 4 tri-band screw-in LED lights for a hundred bucks, seems kinda cheap. I don't know a lot about LED lights, but I was thinking maybe something like that would be enough for a 2x2 veg box.


Active Member
Yeah, those don't look too bad. So 56 watts of lighting (4 x 14w) for $100, not bad. Do you think you could flower with those too? Maybe throw in a few CFLs with them.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
The UFO im using is a Tri-band, and i used it for veg and flower. It does veg very well. For flowering, if i go HPS, ill need a cooltube, so it will be several hundred dollars to upgrade, which is an expense i couldn't afford up front. I paid 148 for my UFO delivered, and it is enough light that i can grow plants, and teach myself when to add what, and how to keep my temps right, so ill have all that knowledge when i get my HPS.


Well-Known Member
I really don't know, kinda hoping somebody with more knowledge on the subject chimes in. I do know that there are supposedly huge differences depending on the quality of LEDs used, not sure how good those are.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Yeah, those don't look too bad. So 56 watts of lighting (4 x 14w) for $100, not bad. Do you think you could flower with those too? Maybe throw in a few CFLs with them.
Nope. Those 14w 225 LED panels lack the right INTENSITY to do the job. They are supplemental lighting for veg, at best. Any LED panel under 50W probably lacks the proper intensity, even if it has the proper spectrum.
If space and heat is an issue, then i would recommend a similar set up to what i have,forget about the led panels if you can, and just go with 2 x 250 watt cfl's 1xred and 1xblue, veg under the blue flower under the red and blue...very little heat in a small space so you can control your temps really well,i run 2x oscilating fans 1x intake fan 1x out...and with the 2 lights going i havent noticed any increase in electricity consumption..works really well for me:weed:



Well-Known Member
Yeah, but aren't those CFL's like a hundred bucks each?

CSI you think the UFO is the best bang per buck then? How big of an area did you light up with that UFO?

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I really don't know, kinda hoping somebody with more knowledge on the subject chimes in. I do know that there are supposedly huge differences depending on the quality of LEDs used, not sure how good those are.

CSI, how big of an area did you light up with that UFO?
About 2 by 2. I flowered 3 plants under it, with CFL and UVB supplements.



Well-Known Member
Oh I see, that wasn't the only light you had in there, thought you were saying you just used the UFO alone, that would have been cool.


Well-Known Member
Oh for both together? That's not bad. I was looking ealier today and I think I saw similar lights for ca $100 here :/ Maybe I should just have my Mum send me some lights from the UK :p
my mistake .... the reflector on the left in the picture was £35.00 when bought with the light the other reflector i paid £25.00 for.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Yeah, but aren't those CFL's like a hundred bucks each?

CSI you think the UFO is the best bang per buck then? How big of an area did you light up with that UFO?
I think the best bang for your buck is HPS, but i couldnt afford the start up costs. The UFO is pretty popular, and a lot of people are using them. CFL are the cheapest light source, and easiest to find. I recommend the 65w, you can get it from menards for 13 bucks.

Using a cheap light intensity meter, i found that all my good buds were developing in the areas with 1000 lm (according to cheap meter) reaching the foliage. Then i measured how far i can put my lights to be at or above this intensity.
The UFO about 12-14 inches
65W CFL about 6-8 inches
42W CFL about 4 inches
anything under 30w, not worth it.

Proper lighting has 3 categories: INTENSITY, spectrum, and duration.


Active Member
Hi pobo. I grow with LED. I have three UFOs. One for veg, two for flower. You can check out my grow under LED grow in this forum. I'm quite happy with them.
The ones you show the links to are unfortunately almost worthless - I hope you will not throw your money away on those. The UFOs I buy on eBay for between $125 and $150 delivered. Although they promise to cover 20 sq.feet - I think 3-4 sq.feet is more like it, if you plan on flowering under them.
I'm a couple weeks from harvest on mine, and I belive my results to be comperable to HID, although that has yet to be seen. Happy Grow!