Looking for nutrients recipe help

im surprised riu doesn't have a dry salt fertilizer sub forum lol

to the thread starter

all brands of fertilizer are the same
theyre just made up in different ratios of the same elements

so buying this brand or that brand is irrelevant... its all the same

whats important is getting whatever brand you choose mixed in the appropriate proportions to create a balanced nutrient solution
one of the biggest problems is the "brands" provide horrible mixing instructions and they split the mineral into so many different bottles its hard to know whats going

choosing your type of liquid fertilizer brand depends on what you want from it

do you want 5 bottles or 1?

id recommend GH floranova grow and bloom

1bottle for grow
1bottle for bloom

the instructions on the bottle are good and the fertilizers are perfectly balanced

if you want to mix your own nutes from dry salts you've got a lot of learning to do first and I wouldn't recommend it to you at this point