looking for plots for may!!

loaded dervish

Active Member
I have been looking for about a month now snooping arowned my house. i watch what people do and wear they go and at what times to get my babys into the woods with no one seeing. I found a old abandon housing development befor they put house on it. All they got in was a paved turn arowned and blocked the enterance off. So there is a couple acers for me to plant in. The only thing i worry about is the guy who owns the land to come back and start building houses and even if he dose ill put my babys were he would not build a house. Tell me what you think ill have multiple spots with a few plants here and there so i will have atleast have a couple that wont get spoted!! the land has been abandoned for 3 years so i dont think he is comming back.


Well-Known Member
you never know so if u do it just be cautious about it make it look naterial most people who are (none smokers ) probaly wont even recanize it exspechaly if it is hard to see and buy the sounds of it ur planning well that is the only way to go and yes spread them out more of a chance some will go missing but more of a chance you will get some atleast

loaded dervish

Active Member
ya i got my green card so i am not worryed about geting caught just got to keep it away from my moms house. dam comunity college leaves me living with my mom cant get the weed i need for my pains. I am just worryed about swoopers i hate my weed geting taken or destroyed. My first time trying to grow old black lady swooped me rofl she lives up the street from me pissed me off i couldint tell my mom the bitch swooped my crop or my mom would be pissed she had me in a corner all i could do was live threw the pain this winter. It sucks rofl poor college kid broke me back on my longboard 2 years ago and i need weed not fair!!


Well-Known Member
should have broke in and swooped her, old thief. just do your best, be smart and put a lot in so if u lose some theres plenty more.