Looking for some advice...


Active Member
I have some 7 day old seedlings most of which are doing great, one seems to be a genetic mutation with slow growth, and several have given me multiple seedlings from just one seed. I have a really strong looking seedling which started out with three true leaves instead of two, but my problem is it grew about 1/8th of an inch from another seedling. I'd like to transplant the 3 leaved seedling into the pot of a plant that just doesn't look right. Is it possible to make a successful transplant this early in the growth stage? Here are some pictures. (sorry, i don't have a digicam and had to use my cellphone)
The pic on the left shows the 3 leaved seedling, the one on the right shows the one growing abnormally.
Thanks for any replies!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about the mutant leaves, it's pretty common. Sometimes its genetic other times its caused by a micro nutrient deficient. Assuming the worse and it's a micro problem, just pH your water and in the new growth should be fine. If it's a mutant, well then just give it a cool name and market the shit out of it. You can transfer but I don't see any real reason to do that. Better to transplant when they run out of room. Otherwise you aren't really fixing the problem, your just delaying it.

I'd also guess that your using bottled water or reverse osmosis.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply. I am using RO water and am pretty sure its a genetic thing as it was doing this from the moment it popped out of the soil. I guess I'll wait until the plants are more mature and if the 3 leaf version is worth keeping I'll kill the one next to it, the roots would just be too tangled by then...


Well-Known Member
I didn't notice it was two seedlings side by side. I'd give it a week then kill off the smaller weaker of the two.


Active Member
Thanks, the picture isn't very clear but its the best I could get with my iphone camera. The 3 leaved plant seems to be growing at a faster rate and will surely take over the other in a matter of days.