Looking for the perfect place to grow?


Well-Known Member
Welll if your looking to do bigger grow and i mean a BIGGER grow then Alaska is for you. Almost 600,000 sq miles big and less than a million people. Theres miles of unused lands miles from the nearest neighbor, the cold winter temperatures also aid in odor control, at 40- you cant smell anything let alone see many people out and about during october-march giving you many months to do what you need.

i had moved from california back in march and this place is AWESOME.


Well-Known Member
Many humans prefer to live in civilization and logistically, I can't think of a worse place to grow than the wilds of Alaska. BIG grows require BIG supplies.

You know of a strain that grows and smellls at 40 below zero?


Well-Known Member
obviously you lack knowledge on alaska and are a jersey boy. and just like most places you cant do outdoors in winter and this is directed at indoor growing as wherever you go doing large outdoors your bound to get caught, the matsu valley in alaska is full of people and then after about 20 miles down the highway theres few people. why come to this thread with incorrect knowledge and hate? we need more growers in this state.


Well-Known Member
You must have been seriously high to start this thread.

I mean, it was mostly ridiculous when I thought you were talking about outdoor growing. Now you're talking about relocating to ALASKA to grow the BIGGEST buds INDOORS?

Is the electricity there supercharged or something? lol

I'll make a better carbon scrubber before relying on -40 temps in the middle of nowhere for smell control. Thanks though. Really.


Well-Known Member
Besides the fact that im high, this place is the perfect area to grow and even on another note alaska is like the outdoors capital of the US so much fun things to do here.


Well-Known Member
I love Alaska too, even though I've never been there. It's a dream of mine to take my RV and a month off and spend it up there on a dream vacation with my family. In the summer.

Hell, I'm planning on retiring to the wilds of Oregon, Washington or Alaska in just over a decade. Been planning that since I was 16 years old. Stick around and I'll ask you for tips on moving there.


Active Member
the guys point is that for security you can have a fuckin container in your backyard with plants in it, venting directly outside, and not have a care in the world, your next neighbor is miles away and no one is looking for anything there anyway

in the continental usa you shit your pants if you get seen outside with a gardening hat