looking good, when to pick?


New Member
I`m the new noob, and have a question or two.

But first this is my first post (visited a few times though)
After living in asia for the last 10 years and coming from adelaide, australia
I was hanging for a puff. took a gamble bought some seeds, and here I am with a question.

At first I was dissapointed with these as they started flowering almost right away.
planted in may sunny and hot. then the rainy season started, forgot about that.
Nearly all of june was cloudy and rainy, maybe thats why they started to flower??
They are ganja dwarf/ lower rider, self flowering.

but looking at them now they might be perfect, as I am growing on my balcony on a table so they can get light.
they are just the right size not to worry about them being seen.

Here`s my question,
when to harvest? most of the hairs have turned brown and curled up. and not many new ones are sprouting.
My old way of thinking was this is time to pick.
But after reading about the changing colour of the thricomes, I wanted to pick when they started going amber.
I cant tell any difference in colour, so I took some macro shots.
Do you think they are still clear or milky? once they turn milky how long before they change to amber.

I can see amber trichs in the second photo but it could be a trick of the light

Edit: I looked on another computer and I can't see them


New Member
Thanks for the replies. Ok close but not yet.
two more questions.

when they turn amber is that the start of the end of thier lifecycle?
How much do they in general fill out once they are all milky or have started turning amber?
They are not big plants and I want them to yield as much as possible.
The buds are still growing in size daily and thickening out (except one?)

Looking at the pics, any possible time frame?
I`m away for four days late next week. should I pull before I go? or do you think it will be ok?
Planning to leave on the 8th or 9th..



Active Member
Pick up 12$ pocket microscope from radio shack or the like. Snip of piece of bud and use the info provided above to determine when you should harvest. Btw, auto flowers will flower regardless of the season or weather conditions and they do it immediately.


Well-Known Member
If those were my plants, I'd chop them now. I chop at the first sight of amber on the buds. Amber is THC degrading to CBN. I don't need my THC do degrade to get couchlock, I grow strains that induce couchlock once the THC is at it's peak.


New Member
Pick up 12$ pocket microscope from radio shack or the like. Snip of piece of bud and use the info provided above to determine when you should harvest. Btw, auto flowers will flower regardless of the season or weather conditions and they do it immediately.
Didnt know about the auto-flowering plants, doing it immediatly. cheers.
reading through that info now.

cheers all.