Looking to grow a few lbs of the green


Well-Known Member
Upgrading to a big room. so far the plan is for 25 plants and a 600 watt 6 t5 lights some cfl side lighting and possibly a 400 watt.

any ideas on what to expect out of something like this as far as yeild goes? I relize this is a broad question but im think somewhere around 2lbs right now is that reasonable if going the soil route?


Well-Known Member
Bump I know this is another yeild question but I would like to keep my expectations for this grow reasonable so I was think about an oz and a half from each plant when they are in 5 gallon buckets....is this reasonable for soil? or do I have the possibility of really getting a lot more per plant? veg 1 month flower 8-10 weeks.


Well-Known Member
i second that...if the room isnt an issue and u want elbs..go with the longest brightest bulb= 1000watter x 2


Well-Known Member
well i have never grown that many plants at once with the amount of light your lookin at but i can tell you 1.5 oz is a reasonable guess per plant, especially if your using 5 gallon buckets. you could quite possibly yield a fair amount more per plant but its always good to keep your expectations on the lower side. when you talk about the t5's it sounds like your talking about a seperate room for vegging and flowering which in my opinion is NEVER a bad thing. You gotta decide how your gunna do the grow though because when you talk about the cfl's for side lighting it sounds like your doing a small style grow with alot of plants while focusing on each individual plant which is extremely time consuming and when you already have 1000w of hid lighting it is also kind of pointless. i think if i were you with your light setup i would get a prepetual sog style grow going with al least two seperate rooms. doing this would cut your per harvest yield down a bit but you would be harvesting twice as often.