loose buds


Active Member
just harvested two plants. while growing the buds looked great. now that they are dry they look loose. was this a light issue or a nutrient issue. the plants grew outside they got more shade than i would have liked but they were in the ground and i didn't notice the shade problems till early september by then they were well into flower and i felt it was too late for digging them up.


Well-Known Member
I grew a couple outside this year. It was over 90 degrees for 6 weeks and broke a hundred several times. Also didn't rain for a month. Buds were airy too. The plants were 20 miles away and then 2 miles on a mountain bike then half a mile hike thru 6 foot weeds. Lets just say they coulda used a little more water lol.


Active Member
It could be the strain but from you said I would guess no enough light.Heat could do it to but like u said they had more shade than you wanted.