Losing weight with cocaine

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Well-Known Member
Hmmm. I wanna help ya man. I'm not tryin' to be a dick, but it isn't fair that people like me can sit around all day and eat oreos and have 10% body fat and weigh 130 lbs.

Don't do the coke. As other people have said, its cut with so much other crap and its very expensive. Even if you are somehow lucky enough to find someone without all the other stuff in it, it'll still be expensive.

What kind of diets have you tried, or if you haven't tried any with a name (good) what have you reduced your diet to? I don't want to insult you, but I've seen people goin' on "diets" that still eat ham n cheese sandwiches, and lotsa carbs...and a diet coke.

You don't need to do any of the name diets like Macrobio (you don't have cancer), SouthBeach (eh, the least evil for the right people, but its not a good one for people that are serious about losing a bunch of weight), or Atkins (omg please don't do this. you'll feel crappy, then starve yourself and then end up binge eating).

I suggest staying busy (I forget to eat, and stress suppresses my apetite), not that my example is good but boredom leads to food sometimes (drugs for me). Ridin' a bike like FDD said is good. I always prefered swimming and hiking.

You can use drugs to help lose weight, but relying on them may put you in a bad spot if you don't watch it. I've been able to skip meals with pot (yeah, wtf kind of oddity am I?), I have a friend that can skip meals for clove cigarettes, and another girl that swears by coke/adderall binges once every 2 months to stay slim. I don't think its good behavior to control weight with drugs, but some people swear by those berries that suppress apetite, and laxatives.

You could always start liftin' weights and just become fuckin' built like a shithouse and beat the shit out of anyone that used to call you fat. Honestly, best diet I ever saw was stress combined with only eating yogurt, cereal, and then a large meal with a piece of chicken and some veggies pretty much every day.

Chilly Willy

Active Member
What does the high feel like?
Feels good. but it only lasts 10 minutes, then you need more and more and more.

You will needs lots of money. Grandma's checkbook? Dad's bigscreen? when those are gone there's always little brothers piggy bank or prostitution.

You will lose the weight and your teeth. You will get to see what prison is like(really cool).
You will also experience the joys of living in a homeless shelter.

Cut the crap and go on a diet. You don't really want to know what coke is like.


New Member
Hmmm. I wanna help ya man. I'm not tryin' to be a dick, but it isn't fair that people like me can sit around all day and eat oreos and have 10% body fat and weigh 130 lbs.

Don't do the coke. As other people have said, its cut with so much other crap and its very expensive. Even if you are somehow lucky enough to find someone without all the other stuff in it, it'll still be expensive.

What kind of diets have you tried, or if you haven't tried any with a name (good) what have you reduced your diet to? I don't want to insult you, but I've seen people goin' on "diets" that still eat ham n cheese sandwiches, and lotsa carbs...and a diet coke.

You don't need to do any of the name diets like Macrobio (you don't have cancer), SouthBeach (eh, the least evil for the right people, but its not a good one for people that are serious about losing a bunch of weight), or Atkins (omg please don't do this. you'll feel crappy, then starve yourself and then end up binge eating).

I suggest staying busy (I forget to eat, and stress suppresses my apetite), not that my example is good but boredom leads to food sometimes (drugs for me). Ridin' a bike like FDD said is good. I always prefered swimming and hiking.

You can use drugs to help lose weight, but relying on them may put you in a bad spot if you don't watch it. I've been able to skip meals with pot (yeah, wtf kind of oddity am I?), I have a friend that can skip meals for clove cigarettes, and another girl that swears by coke/adderall binges once every 2 months to stay slim. I don't think its good behavior to control weight with drugs, but some people swear by those berries that suppress apetite, and laxatives.

You could always start liftin' weights and just become fuckin' built like a shithouse and beat the shit out of anyone that used to call you fat. Honestly, best diet I ever saw was stress combined with only eating yogurt, cereal, and then a large meal with a piece of chicken and some veggies pretty much every day.
Thanks you gave the best answer I'm gonna try this and then get back on this thread in a few weeks to update how i did

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
Thanks you gave the best answer I'm gonna try this and then get back on this thread in a few weeks to update how i did
Good luck with the weight loss man, I thought for a long time I wasn't going to lose any weight. My biggest problem was not taking myself seriously. I guess I just didn't think I could lose it.

Once you find something that works for you ( and I hope it's not coke) you should find it easier. Different methods work better for different people.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
there are better ways to lose weight than coke.. How about clenbuterol or albuterol? Ephedrine works good.. if you're real balsy (and read a fuck ton) you can lose a lot of weight on DNP (dinitrophenol).


Active Member
Btw Ganja I wasnt calling him "Fucking Retarded" I was saying that to the idea of doing a life destroying drug to lose some weight. Anyway dude I've been a big dude All of my life was around 300 pounds from about 16-20 But as I got older I just started losing weight cause you dont get nearly as hungry as you do growing up..

Fellowes just keep living dont do stupid shit. Doctor's most of the time are dumbshits who dont care about anything but money and want to get you out of the hospital as fast as you came in.

You wernt born big as you said you dont have a thyroid problem.

Remember it's alot easier to lose weight than it is to gain it.

Again let me stress at your age you shouldnt touch ANYTHING besides marijuana from my own personal experience I can say hard drugs ruin your health and your life and they do it FAST I'm talking couple weeks into hard drugs and your fucking hooked and theirs no looking back..


Well-Known Member
i cant believe this. DIET and EXERCISE. RUN you ass of LIFT them weights EAT like a healthy person dont think eating less will help you lose weight. you need a PROPER diet. think of it like growing pot, give you body all the carbs vits and nutes it needs do a little training and you will see results guranteed everytime. you just have to put the time and mind into it. if you have never exercised before its a shock to yo body at first but soon you get used to it and around that time you will be like hey look at the fat that somehow turned into a six pack. make sure you dont over eat wich is hard to do for an active 18 year old and dont work out every day try 2 days a week then move to every other day when you feel ya can.

the end


Well-Known Member
this may sound strage but drinking coffee high makes you lose weight no joke.

cannabis makes you hungry because the active ingredient THC agonizes the natural cannaboid receptor in your brain and triggers an unknown pathway that is known to stimulate hunger. IE the munchies. However cannabis also stimulates low levels of dopamine which make you feel euphoric. coffee stops the re-uptake(antiaggionst) of dopamine (which is why it is effective for ADD people). this is why if u drink coffee at to early of a high it can make it platau easily. then coffees appitite supressing properties are made to last much longer. these are observed resluts i have had. lost 3 LBs a week.


Well-Known Member
Well there has been some excellent advice here- everyone does seem to agree (me included) that doing coke for just about any reason these days is not worth the destruction it can cause. Enough has been said about that- but take it from another one who has seen it- just DO NOT do hard drugs.

Let's face it, high school is hell- that much more so if you are overweight. Just do yourself a favor and learn to love the real you- the inside you and let it show on the outside. No this isn't Sesame Street; I know it sounds corny but it is true that the happiest people- thin or fat- are comfortable in their own skin, and weight actually has nada to do with it. Anorexics/ bulimics are thin but not happy.

Seriously, I am female, 32- thin, cute, blonde- 5'- 98lbs- and with the body. I have been all over the map in the body image department (up to 170lbs after baby1-- this is a lot if you are the size of Tinkerbell). I've been sexy & I've been frumpy (tho not anymore- the frumpiness was simply my sadness showing on the outside). However, when I do hear that someone is 300lbs at 18 years old the first thing I think of is emotional eating. My weight gain was due to physical complications, so the weight loss was simple. I just did South Beach & changed my lifestyle. That was easy, because there was nothing behind it. You need to be honest with yourself though if you are binging or rewarding yourself on any level with food. The issue isn't the weight- it is the emotions underneath the eating.

In all honesty, those emotions are tough, but if you really want to lose it (the weight and the sad emotions), you will have to do the time. You may (very likely) have to go to counseling to deal with this issue: why the hell did your dad give you roids when you were a kid!!!???!! !! ?? !! There is something very seriously wrong with that. Also, if your dad did do such a thing, there are huge red flags and issues that you will have to deal with relating to your childhood & your dad's (the bodybuilder) feelings towards you (the "fat" kid). (And when you do go to counseling, you WILL have to go THERE, or it will be a waste of time).

There is a whole hell of a lot going on here. I'm not terribly old but I've seen a lot & sometimes I'm wise... I am telling you the truth that the sooner you deal with these issues, the better. The decisions you make now in relation to this problem you are having will impact the next decade of your life. I do wish you all the best and I hope you have the courage to tackle this.

Just another thought- plenty- yes plenty of big guys get hot girls (or guys if that is your thing). It is all about your attitude, your personality, and being comfortable in your own skin. We (females) want to be the star of the show anyway, so most of us don't care if we are better looking than our guys. I think this is usually the case.

You may come back and say I've got it all wrong but I've seen enough to know that I don't. Actually, do me a favor and don't reply to this post; just consider it carefully. You can be happy in your own skin, but you'll have to walk the hard road (you won't regret it).

p.s. If you do lose the weight, but ignore the issues, you WILL simply swap food for a new addiction that will damage you in different ways than being overweight, but will make you no happier.


Well-Known Member
Final thought- I don't know what or how much your dad gave you in terms of steroids but you need to get to an endocrinologist, tell them the situation and get a full blood workup. You may not have an underactive thyroid, but the roids could have caused a testosterone imbalance (not enough) or an estrogen imbalance (yes men have estrogen- steroid use can cause men to have too much). Or a myriad of other problems that will need a good doctor to get to the bottom of.


Well-Known Member
You goto be kidding? coke of all drugs?

No offence, but a doctor is definetly the way to go.
If your exercising and eating well then you'd be losing weight. You obviously consider a walk up and down the street as exercise, and eating well is only 1 tub of icecream a day..

No offence, but everyone has the ability to lose weight with the correct dietry requirements along with a exercise routine that makes you want to throw up at the end of each session. Thats exercise. Those fuckers on the biggest loser lose 80kg's in the space of 2 months. So this is more than possible to do if your willing to set your mind to it. You obviously don't want to put in the effort to lose weight, instead just want an easy way out.

For you to suggest taking coke is a bloody joke in itself. Wake up and smell the flowers. Eat BETTER, and RUN every morning and everynight with an attempt at as many push-up's and sit-up's as possible.

IF for some reason your not willing to put the effort in and you don't care about your existance on thise earth then take ICE. It reduces your appetite and you'll lose weight fast. Have fun coming down though with little amount of sleep :)

I apologize if I sound rude and blunt, but to consider such a thing places you in the catergory 'IDIOT' of which is just above 'DICKHEAD'.

Happy exercising.


Well-Known Member
wow bro, drugs r bad mmmkay..

drugs will do nothing but harm you, take the advice you have received here.

im guessing you have not gotten serious about your weight loss because it is impossible, yes i said it impossible for anyone to be fat if they get proper exercise and eat healthy.

you need put your body into a state of ketosis. ketosis is basically where your body reaches a metabolic stage where instead of storing fat, your body is converting fat into energy.. to reach this you need to understand a couple of things..

first of all FAT in food does not equal FAT in your body.. the only thing that your body converts into fat is carbohydrates.. yes carbs.. there are good carbs, and bad carbs.. simple carbs like sugars and bleached wheat are simple carbs.. they have zero nutritional value and easily convert to fat.. complex carbs such as whole wheat and oatmeal are harder for the body to break down, which means you use more of the energy stored in them, instead of storing it in your body as fat, and it has more nutritional value.

also your eating habits play a HUGE role in achieving a state of ketosis. the human body operates subconsciously under a feast or famine mentality.. if it is constantly recieving food, it will constantly burn it off and not store it as fat and conserve the energy. not only that bud food digesting uses more energy than any other function in our body, so naturally making it work more often means you burn more energy.

that being said i will tell you how to start dropping mad weight.. a few easy things you can do and i promise you that if you do this for 3 weeks you will lose 15-20 lbs.. no joke

first of all drink nothing but water, and lots of it.. flush the toxins out of your body, and dont drink sodas or energy drinks or any of that crap that is loaded with sugar.. sugar is simple carbs..

cut back on all the bad carbs that you can like white bread, cereal, candy bars, chips, fried stuff (chicken, french fries), white pastas, pizza, deserts, etc..

if you do eat like a sandwhich or the occasional pasta eat whole weat only, or some oatmeal for breakfast.. they burn slower and are harder to break down and you get more nutritional value out of them.. they are better in every way.

eat lots of meat and protien like turkey, chicken, beef, fish, lamb, pork, and eggs.. lots of eggs.. eggs are the most protien packed nutritional meal there is in my opinion. good snacks are beef jerky and low carb protein shakes and nuts like almonds, peanuts, cashews etc..

eat lots of greens, salads, grilled or steamed veggies, and fruits.. apples oranges grapes all that good shit.. eat fruits as deserts because they have lots more sugars but they are complex sugars, not processed sugars like in a snickers bar.

eat all through the day, eggs for breakfast before school, a protien shake or some beef jerkey or an apple, or yogurt before lunch, some grilled chicken n a salad for lunch, a turkey sandwich on whole weat for supper, then some steak and grilled veggies or pork chops for dinner.. this will keep your body constantly churning through food and you will burn more energy through the day, and your body will not store anything and your body will achieve ketosis.

now lastly and most importantly.. once your body gets in ketosis (which you can get some ketosis strips you pee on to tell you when your body has achieved a ketosis state) take advantage of it to the fullest by excersizing.. this will exponentially increase your weight loss and take advantage of your increased metabolic rate..

all you gotta do is raise your heart rate for 20 minutes a day 5 times a week..

ideally you would want to work out 3 times a week for an hour, and run, jog, ride a bike etc. 2 times a week for 30 minutes to an hour.. this will literally melt fat off of you i am not kidding..

i promise you from the bottom of my heart this will work for you, it takes some planning and dedication, but will be much healthier for you in the long run and wont cost near what it would do start blowing lines of coke for 6 months... this is a little strict but once you get to your ideal weight you can start having more carbs and being more relaxed but make sure just to stay away from junk food and always eat complex carbs like whole wheats and grains.

it becomes a lifestyle and not a diet, it is more healthy, and not only will you look better, but you will feel better and have more energy.. you are a reflection of what you eat, and how you live, and if you eat right and exersize right, you cant be fat.. its just not possible.. i have heard all the excuses but in reality unless you have a severe medical condtion like thyroid problems then you cant go wrong..

just try it out and tweak it, do some research on nutrition and ketosis.. but i promise you bro you dont wanna go down the drug path, it is a dark road to nowhere, and you will regret it till the day you die... if you try what i listed above, i promise you that you will lose 15-20 lbs in 3 weeks to a month.. thats if you really hit it hard.. but the thing is you can say what you want to everone else, but you cant lie to yourself.. good luck brotha


Well-Known Member
Losing weight is simple math. Carbs consumed (food) less than carbs burned (excercise) equals weight loss. Scientifically, the energy has to come from somewhere. If a full on diet and excercise plan isn't your thing, just go for walks or a bike ride every day, and try to watch what you eat overall. Less carbs, like everyone said. There are forums just like this one for excercising and losing weight instead of growing. There, you might find the information and encouragement you need. Good luck
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