Lost flip date, help please?


Well-Known Member
I just finished 2 caramel candy kush last month, which is a pre-98 cross...no wonder your plants look so familiar. Using a 60X magnifying lens, the amber I saw in trichs just prior to chop were only a portion of the trichome...that is to say only 25-30% color. It drove me nuts b/c it was very difficult to see anything, even when I upped the microscope to 100X. So I chopped this one about 10 days after taking this pic.


Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Interesting how this is so different across the globe. I noticed in the US people tend to harvest when there is just a minimal amount of amber, basically trying to avoid amber and max milky. In the Netherlands 30% amber is common, in Portugal and Spain they wait even longer.

I've seen the post and pics with the "scientific proof" someone referenced earlier in this thread and I have a hard time believing it. Milky is THC and amber is degraded into CBD? Sounds too simple. I recently read a review of some strains in Portugal or Spain that had CBD percentages nearly as high as we have the THC (matching their late harvest habbit). However,while 30% amber is common here in the Netherlands, the THC % of what we call Netherweed has significantly increased over the passed decade while the CBD % decreased.

Since recently we have the Amsterdam Test Lab, which does highly accurate tests on mj, resulting in a list with substances and their %. Costs about $100 for a test (more if you want a certificate) but can test multiple samples in one test. Just started a new round, but will put it to the test in about 3 months. That is, I will have the THC and CBD compared between two buds from the same plant, of which one is harvested early, and the other is harvested late.

I like to see a minimal amount of amber on sugar leaves and the occassional amber speck on callyxes, which here means I like my weed high. Any sooner seems personally a waste of good weed (they fatten most near the end). Edit: I'd be more worried about clear than amber.

Usually the plants reduce their drinking a lot when they are closer to harvest, then I give them even less to force the fall to set in, then wait till the chlorophyll got sucked out of the leaves and yellowed a bit, then 2 days no water and no light, then harvest. I can imagine that without the induced fall and sufficient water the plant will continue too long resulting in more amber.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Curious, that's the best thing for you to do since you have that luxury. Then you'll know when to get just right for you! But ripeness is about more than just one indicator. Trichs are an important indicator, but many Sats or Hybrids won't get amber until the very end, if at all. Another grower showed me how to look at the fullness of the calyxes as well. That will tell you alot, as will the pistils (but not so much). Keep an eye on the calyxes and the trichs as you do this, maybe even get some macro shots of the swelling calyxes. Next go round here I'm gonna try and do a documentation of what I consider ripe. You got an old webcam? Makes for a great macro cam. I can show you how to make one!!
Good 2 see you as well. I think I owe you an email.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I don't see how any of y'all see anything but white in the trichomes or the pistils due to the flash washing out all color but white. It's hard enough to judge the trichs under different lighting conditions but rarely have I ever been able to tell much from most pics here other than just some pretty cool pics. Most flashes on "point and shoots" or PhoneCams wash out up close subjects.

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
I don't see how any of y'all see anything but white in the trichomes or the pistils due to the flash washing out all color but white. It's hard enough to judge the trichs under different lighting conditions but rarely have I ever been able to tell much from most pics here other than just some pretty cool pics. Most flashes on "point and shoots" or PhoneCams wash out up close subjects.
I agree. The color spectrum of the Trichomes needs to be judged by the grower.

I also stated earlier, I have my wife help me out with a second opinion, and so far, she hasn't let me down!! :weed:

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Viewed under HPS, you'll see more amber, MH or floros you see less. White light will wash out colors if it's intense enough. Fortunately, our eyes and brain color correct what we see under a variety of lighting conditions. Second opinions are a great idea in this case.

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
Viewed under HPS, you'll see more amber, MH or floros you see less. White light will wash out colors if it's intense enough. Fortunately, our eyes and brain color correct what we see under a variety of lighting conditions. Second opinions are a great idea in this case.
I don't view the Trics under the HPS lights. I clip off a small piece of a bud and take it outside the closet for a color check, using a 100X magnifying scope. Yeah, her second opinion has saved my ass! I'm color blind, so I don't see the amber as good as she does.

For all those out there who don't know what being color blind is like, it's not that I can't see colors; it's certain shades, and greens and reds can run together. I'm sure there are some other people out there who know what I'm talking about.


Well-Known Member
I've seen the post and pics with the "scientific proof" someone referenced earlier in this thread and I have a hard time believing it. Milky is THC and amber is degraded into CBD? Sounds too simple.
Looks like I saved myself a a hundred bucks on that one... just visited the facebook page of Test Lab Amsterdam and in November they already posted something about it. So in practice if you keep 'm alive for a few weeks and the THC percentage will reduce as it degrades into CBD. There's more to it (like CBC) but I have to side with other side of the pond for me on this one: avoid amber (assuming you like your weed high).

I have never seen a sample (not that I've seen thousands) that has all clear but no amber though. And while there is amber new trics can still be created and go from clear to milkey.

Moral of the story: don't focus too much on the trics but read the entire plant (calyxes swelling, pistols retrieving, fall/yellowing, drinking habbits).


Active Member
I dont think a Flash will Wash out Amber or cloudy we have millon of picture showing them with flash. If its amber the flash will show its amber, Those were all clear as the flash showed.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Key word there....you don't THINK. Exposure control is a function of the chis and software. A higher end camera, or one with the settings in proper order will do fine. But at a certain point, too close for flash is too close. The explanation of why is too intensive for a reply and really would hi jack this thread. But believe me with a flash too close, any clear liquid will light up and transmit all that light just like fiber optic does.


Well-Known Member
Have to agree with Jack, not so sure about the comparison to fiber optics (it just reflects most of all the light regardless of its color).

But besides that, I've read plenty of journals and "are they almost ready" threads with people swearing their is amber on it but aren't able to capture it on photo.

Get a cheap USB microscope with capture feature, or disable the flash and light it with an additional source slightly from the side (like with a flashlight app on iPhone).