lots of pisil`s problem ??


Well-Known Member
I am growing concerned about 2 of my plants which only have a few weeks of grow left
they have a stupid amount of white pistil`s and they arnt packing on any weight
have a look at the pictures and please advise me on if there ill or if i`m just worrying too much



thye have many weeks to go, maybe u used a bad light or had light leak or lack of nutes, either way your plant still has at leasta month, and it will get alot bigger than that


Well-Known Member
cheers for that
i moved them from floras to 400w hps about a week ago them 2 plants have been in flower now for 6 weeks could it be possible that the light could be past its use by date as it was a used light also my other 150w hps which has a brand new bulb lights the veg box up orangey but the 400w hps is more clear white light ???
and yes the 400w is a Son-t Hps not a Mh bulb


New Member
How long have they been in 12/12 ?

They look like they've just started budding. Each bract will grow 2 pistals out of it. It's those bracts growing all together that form the buds.

It needs a lot more time. You can't rush art. :eyesmoke:

I am growing concerned about 2 of my plants which only have a few weeks of grow left
they have a stupid amount of white pistil`s and they arnt packing on any weight
have a look at the pictures and please advise me on if there ill or if i`m just worrying too much


Well-Known Member
they have been in 12/12 for 6 weeks
i have just harvested 1 plant which was 2 weeks older than them 2 and she had good bud but these 2 have puzzled me


now that i look at the leavs they look a bit sativa, that could take a llot longer than u think to flower


Well-Known Member
There all white widow clones from 1 mother so not sure about satvia lol
i`m still learning


Well-Known Member
i just did abit of research and the white widow needs between 7 - 10 weeks flower
but i aint had a plants grow like this before


Well-Known Member
done some more research and it seems my bulb is a son white bulb at 2700k i presume this is ok but i`m sure someone will comment


Active Member
Welp...my regular hps is 2000k....that I'm pretty sure of....and I'm sure that is also a lot better for flowering, the 2000k that is..


Well-Known Member
well there is nothing i can do with them, i will just have to wait and see the outcome
fingers crossed


Well-Known Member
fed them some superthrive and they seem to be growing a tad better but still look strange to me
they are coverd in crystals and pistils a hell of alot more than any i have grown b4


Well-Known Member
Well the new pic looks nice. I think you just need to wait until the trichomes start clouding up to judge their "ripeness" for harvesting. Once the maturation starts to shift to senescence (plant knows it's dying-end of season), the trichs will turn form clear, like water, to more cloudy or crystallized inside. When they're about 50% cloudy, that's a pretty safe time to grab some choice smoke. They'll eventually amber as the THC converts to lesser cannabinoids (that "stone" you more than "high" you) at an increasing rate; but that's when you get the couchlock weed that medical cannabis pain management patients often seek. If it's a Sativa, read up on harvesting and curing to preserve that glassy high, otherwise it'll degrade to a more of a body high sooner.

In other words don't go by the calendar. Read the plant; it'll tell you, "Stick a fork in me! I'm DONE!" Think of it like baking cookies. How do you like them? Soft? Crunchy? Both? You better pull em out at the right moment to get the desirable result. Weed's like that; too soon, THC not maximized--too late, THC past prime and degrading fast. Just right? JUST RIGHT!


Well-Known Member
Ok, so what are you conditions out side of light and 12/12. BTW your 2700K bulb is fine, it is a red(orange) bulb and is used for flowering, it is also known as "Warm White." see -> http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.nlites.co.uk/images/r1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.nlites.eu/luminaires.htm&usg=__AY1lGuC72QX7HTrw6N06_MNX4kg=&h=334&w=600&sz=21&hl=en&start=3&um=1&tbnid=oPa_h7dCJBSNJM:&tbnh=75&tbnw=135&prev=/images?q=2700k&hl=en&client=firefox-a&channel=s&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&sa=N&um=1

But I think it might be other factors your not thinking of.

What is the temp in the morning, mid day, afternoon, night? This is important to know for many reasons.

Too hot, it will get stressed and not grow. Too cold and it sleeps aka kinda goes into stasis and really doesn't DO anything but will look green and healthy, leaves will stay small tho and bud will severely lack.

You want a 15-20F temp difference from day/night. This will signal the plant to pack on more resin to seal itself and protect vs the cold and moisture.

**WARNING** over a 15 Degree F drop will cause any moisture in the air to start to condense on nearby metals, cool plastics, and LEAVES! this will cause but-rot or mold. You must have good airflow at night to stop this from happening, also keep your humidity in check.

During flowering you want your humidity to be less then 55% ideally. This dry air discourages fungi growth.

Some people say too dry harms them. I don't know? Never saw any evidence and there are people on this sight growing in 12-20% Relative Humidity. They just have to water ALOT it seems.

How close/far to/from the light are the plants? unless you have over a 400W you should be 12-24 inches away, if you have good airflow, cooling, cooltube, or UL safety glass between your bulb and hood, then you can lower it even more.

I run a 250W HPS and it was vented louvers, and UL safety glass and I can get it within 8 inches without stressing my plants. Any more then that And one plant will be hogging all the light and casting shadows ALL over your grow room.

What water do you use? Tap? whats the PH? hard or soft? How much how often? what temp is the water when you feed and what time of day to you feed.

Also at the "Night" phase of the 12/12 do you have ANY light on them. Light from under the door along WHITE carpet or shiny hardwood and creep all OVER the room. Try putting them in a cool, Dry closet at night and jam a towel under the door. I would also recommend putting a small fan in the room to keep it from going stale.

Do they have airflow? mary J needs LOTS of fresh air. co2 to the leaves and oxygen to the roots. does there grow are provide this? and if so do you have smell/odor protection in place? cause now that it's budding it's going to stink.

Any advers conditions that you can think of?

Current Grow! (03/09/09)


Well-Known Member
the main concern i have is there not budding out like my others are there just getting more and more pistals
when it comes to harvest i dont kno how i will do it as there isnt much bud lol


Well-Known Member
I just harvested a couple of 16" buds from a Bberry (Danish) that were quite white with pistils, BUT the trichs were all cloudy w/some amber/black/brown. It was a tough decision, but also was 10+ weeks in.
I'm expecting it to be sleepy weed.

