Lower leaves curling up turning dark. 2 weeks old. Pics. Please help!

This little guy is 2 weeks old. This is my first grow.
No nutes yet.
Tap water.
192W T5 HO Flourescent light on 24 hours.

I know the pics are small but they are the best I can do. You can plainly see the bottom leaves curling up and dying.




Scientia Cannabis
Once plants are above ground they demand either 18 / 6 light or 12 / 12 depending on your method.
18 / 6 is normal for vegetative growth.
12 / 12 is normal for flowering (some people use 12 / 12 from seed).

You should keep a balance in your water (pH, EC) and you should only use tap water if you keep it out and open in about 24-48 hours to filter the chlorine.

You should probably also use nutes by now (a watered down version of course).
Most nutes use a 1 ml per liter for seedlings and cuttings.
Do not take that literally though, you should ALWAYS read up on your nutes before using them.

What colour temp does your light have? Is the bulb built for veg growth?
How far away is your light? CFL lights can be VERY close to plants.


Well-Known Member
slight ph problem lil high possibly?
whats your humidity situation?
you may have not of used nutes but fox farm soil and nutes, arent organic so they burn easier. plus nute them.

Plus the soil has a bit of nutes in it.
I know light is usually 18/6 but I did some reading about people using 24hrs for the first 2 weeks and decided to give it a shot. I'm running a mix of 4 2700K bulbs and 4 6500K bulbs. They are not CFLs, we're talking about HO T5s here. They are positioned about 2 inches from the top of the plant. Idk about humidity but the room is well vented so I doubt its much of a problem. I've always heard FF is hot on the nutes in their soil so I'm hesitant to start them even after 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
yea, dont nute till its a month. and start it a lil heavy kus there sort of used to it and the nutes from the soil will be washed out by then.
T5's are nice m buddy runs them. ide back it off a bit till the third set of true leaves form. you gotta ease um into being a beast...

munch box

Well-Known Member
Those look like the cotyledons. Those are not true leaves. they are not needed Those leaves just show up in the begining after the seed sprouts. They are supposed to die and fall off. Its completely normal

munch box

Well-Known Member
haha yea, wow. good shit. he's right. but ph could still be a prob with the hot soil...
I agree Ocean Forest is strong for a seedling,The soil is too hot for the cotyledons, they burn right off. its probably best to mix some light warrior in with it. But the rest of the plant should be fine. I've seen it a hundred times. there is nothing wrong with his plant...


Well-Known Member
your problem could be a watering problem. ive had this happen to me b4, your either watering to often or your soil is staying to wet for to long, back off your watering. and to those who are saying those are cotyledons those leaves are not cotyledons if you look in 1st pic the cotyledon is already yellowing off in the lower left hand corner which is natural

munch box

Well-Known Member
your problem could be a watering problem. ive had this happen to me b4, your either watering to often or your soil is staying to wet for to long, back off your watering. and to those who are saying those are cotyledons those leaves are not cotyledons if you look in 1st pic the cotyledon is already yellowing off in the lower left hand corner which is natural
They are still not true leaves whatever you want to call them. If he didn't want his seedlings to burn then maybe he should have went with a different soil. What do you want me to tell you buddy? Its overwatered? I don't see any signs of moisture stress. Please elaborate for us all what you mean....


Well-Known Member
They are still not true leaves whatever you want to call them. If he didn't want his seedlings to burn then maybe he should have went with a different soil. What do you want me to tell you buddy? Its overwatered? I don't see any signs of moisture stress. Please elaborate for us all what you mean....
actually it is true leaves its the first set of single bladed leaves. and like i said ive had the same thing happen to me and it was due to me watering to often

munch box

Well-Known Member
actually it is true leaves its the first set of single bladed leaves. and like i said ive had the same thing happen to me and it was due to me watering to often
No. thats not what plants look like when they've been watered too often. Like I said single bladed leaves are not true leaves and he does not have any overwaterig symptoms. Way over the top on this one GeeTee. You're going to freak this guy out and then he wont water his plant for a week man, so chill
No need to argue. Thanks alot for the help guys. I'll just ride it out, water when the soil is dry, and see where we go from there. I think it might be a ph problem so I'll grab a ph meter soon and see whats going on.


Well-Known Member
ok so your telling me the first set of single bladed leaves aren't true leaves? if they aren't true leaves what are they then? what do you consider true leaves? also i did not state that its a DEFINITE watering problem i specifically said it COULD BE if you care to read my post. like i said ive had this happen to me and just suggested this as an option to what his problem(s) are. when i had this happen to me i was in the same boat. the plants' leaves just started to crisp and died off as i was growing a new strain and got careless not thinking that the strain i was growing isn't my usual and couldnt figure it out and i narrowed my problem down to watering and corrected in time, but you are right as ive heard FFOF is pretty hot and it could be that also just giving the man more options as to what this could be.


Well-Known Member
No need to argue. Thanks alot for the help guys. I'll just ride it out, water when the soil is dry, and see where we go from there. I think it might be a ph problem so I'll grab a ph meter soon and see whats going on.
i apologize man i did not mean to get anybody riled up over my posts i shoulda just kept my mouth shut but anyways good luck man and hope your baby makes it
It's traveling up the plant. Today I noticed the next set of what appear to be 3-bladed leaves or sets of 3 single bladed leaves are all entirely yellow and starting to twist up and turn brown. Should I be worried about this? I feel like the plant is in trouble if I let it go any further but I really don't know whats wrong. I'll post new pics later.


Active Member
ad some CalMag, actually mroe Magnesium then anything, go to walmart or where ever and get some epsom salt, mix a little into your water and feed the plant.

munch box

Well-Known Member
the problem with using soil that is too strong is every that time you water the plant nutrients are released from the soil, feeding the plant and possably buring it