Lowryder #1 First Grow


Well-Known Member
yep, lowryder are probably the smallest marijuana plants, I just thought that Lucy looks too small. Does anybody know how big should a lowryder be (more or less) at around 25 days of age ?

How tall is her anyway milly ? maybe she just looks small because of the pictures. Just trying to help btw


Active Member
I'm pretty sure it's small cause he was using more 2700k lights than 6500k, and 6500k is responsible for leaf and root growth so I'm fairly certain that's why.


Active Member
See, this is the type of beneficial discussion I love this site for. You pop in to check on some girls, and you leave with a wealth of knowledge.

On of my main curiosities with auto's is the lighting. Because there is no photo period and it flowers based on how old it is. What is the best light you can be giving it and when?

I think for myself I would do a week or so of 6500k for the seedlings to get a sturdy hold. then add 2700k as the plants grow, assuming by week three to have 2:1 wattage of 2700k:6500k.

Soo, ripped a bucket and have my pen out, so the thought train is in session.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure it's small cause he was using more 2700k lights than 6500k, and 6500k is responsible for leaf and root growth so I'm fairly certain that's why.
I agree with you that 6500k spectrum will make the plant stretch more but look at this, I found a picture we can compare, here is a lowryder at day 25 with the same bulbs and the same light, just different spectrum:

If the difference was smaller then it could be the spectrum but is the big difference that makes me think that something else must be going on.

You right D.tea, it already made me think which lights i'll use when I get my lowrdyers :) if I put them in the pc box they will grow with 2700k bulbs seed to harvest... :)


Active Member
Okay he switched to 2700k bulbs on day 25 which means he was using 4 23w 6500k lights for almost a month which is 4 times the amount of daylight cfls that millyy is using lol so im fairly sure it is the lights bro not anything else. 2700k helps develop bud growth and is good for none of the other stuff regardless of whether its an auto.


Well-Known Member
Right, crazytrain was using 69W more of white light but that won't make your plants 3 times (or more) bigger.

I grow plants with only 2700k lights and and plants with 68W of white light and 36W of red light which is 68W more of white light and I can tell you that the difference is very small both in size and in yield, if what you are saying was true I should be seeing a huge difference in size on my two grow boxes and that just doesn't happen. You can check my current journal to see the plants I'm growing right now :)


Active Member
Are they the same strain? how do you know its not something crazy happening to your plants rather than millyys? I told him I would get a ph meter just in case it's not in the optimum range but from the pictures and what he says i have no idea what it would be besides ph or his lights. But the lights are definitely part of the picture.


Well-Known Member
I grew two different strains in the pc box and 4 different strains in the other box.

well, if you can check the ph that would be brilliant, and I'd also check the temps putting a thermometer inside the pot (beside lucy) coz the lights look close and the plant looks almost like in a closed box. It won't hurt to check that out, it can only help ;)


Well-Known Member
definitely man, the plant looks great, she has a very good colour and looks very healthy. I didn't mean to bother guys you with the size thing, I'm mostly curious and I'll grow lowryder soon so any info I can get will be more than useful for me :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks both of you, I read through all you guys post and I'm still pretty certain it's mostly the light, next one I'll try 6500k for a week or 2 then switch to see if it makes a difference. Also, lince when you start ill check yours out to compare size.
I'm going to take pics I'n a few minutes and ill try to get the height or an estimate. Btw the box has 2 intake and 1 exhaust fan and it is pretty cold outside so Lucy isn't burning or anything hehe. All though I'm about to move the lights up a little. And the waters ph I used I googled the bottle and it said it has a 7.0 but I let it sit put for 24 hours+ now so should be lower


Well-Known Member
You can turn your fans off lol its good to know what the temps are though if it only costs 10 bucks
Yeah you're right xD. I am kind of worried about it being too cold, but the 4 lights do make it pretty warm when its right under them

edit: Oh yeah and i didn't measure it because its about the same height as before, its just grown bigger leaves/more leaves.


Well-Known Member
I agree, On page 32 she was reaching for the lights, now she isn't haha...oHHHH lucy is confusing