Lowryder #2 - Outdoors - Ireland

Whats up everyone,

Im planning to grow five Lowryder 2s this summer. Since you dont get many people that grow outdoors in Ireland, I thought that this 'grow journal' will be helpful to those thinking of growing outdoors in a cold, wet country aswell.

Anyway, lets get to the details. I bought 6 Lowryder #2 seeds from http://www.worldwide-marijuana-seeds.com/ and I got 2 free feminized seeds with it -Sour Diesel and Royal Blue. I really recommend this website...

I germinated the Lowryders using the paper towel method. Five germed within 48 hours.

I filled a little plastic tray with soil, moistened it with warm water and placed the seeds in. I put the lid onto it to keep the humidity in, and placed it next to the radiator. Within 30 hours, all of the five seeds sprouted.

When the seedlings are bigger, I will transplant them into 3 litre pots with good compost soil. (It will be an organic grow)

Thats how far I am now.

I will be updating this thread once a week or when something important happens.

Heres 2 pictures of the seedlings.

2013-05-20 17.45.16.jpg
2013-05-20 17.46.31.jpg



Active Member
Well my interest is peaked. :bigjoint:
Tho I will say (as I look out the window at Southern Ireland's Lovely weather) I think your braver then I am.

Interested to see how it turns out for you, Subbed.
Haha :)
I know man, its such a gamble if you want to grow outdoors in Ireland, but I wanna give it a shot and hope for the best.
Happy to hear that your interested.
I tried to grow 3 Lowryder origionals last year, 2 died so there was one left, but due to all the stress it got kuz of the bad weather, it only started flowering in October lol (I planted it in July) Anyway, then the frost finished her off .. It was a disaster.
So yeah, second time lucky :bigjoint:


Active Member
I have heard of successful outdoor grows in Ireland.
Hell my last supplier grew outdoors, but most I know of are in poly tunnels.

Ouch, that had to hurt, tho last year it was a miracle the grass grew, let alone anything else.lol
You may have an advantage this time tho as I remember reading somewhere that lowryder #2 does better in cold climates then the original.
should be ok this time of year outdoors, just keep em dry. the weather in england is just as horrific, 2 hours of sunshine a month.


Well-Known Member
They look good so far but take a look at my thread i just posted info on why not to transplant AF's. Most AF growers will tell you to start your autoflowers in the pot you intend to have them finish in. Transplanting causes shock to them and they will need time to recover. AF's dont have time neither can they make time to recover. Which is going to hinder your yield/growth , the strain you got isnt a big producer either. If I were you i'd transplant asap dont wait...


Also, my advice dont let them get much bigger in there together their roots are gonna tangle, they will fight for nutrients/water. Doing it that way just isnt a good idea bud.
They look good so far but take a look at my thread i just posted info on why not to transplant AF's. Most AF growers will tell you to start your autoflowers in the pot you intend to have them finish in. Transplanting causes shock to them and they will need time to recover. AF's dont have time neither can they make time to recover. Which is going to hinder your yield/growth , the strain you got isnt a big producer either. If I were you i'd transplant asap dont wait...


Also, my advice dont let them get much bigger in there together their roots are gonna tangle, they will fight for nutrients/water. Doing it that way just isnt a good idea bud.
that's interesting, i have repotted many autos and never had a problem. i find them very robust little plants.
I have heard of successful outdoor grows in Ireland.
Hell my last supplier grew outdoors, but most I know of are in poly tunnels.

Ouch, that had to hurt, tho last year it was a miracle the grass grew, let alone anything else.lol
You may have an advantage this time tho as I remember reading somewhere that lowryder #2 does better in cold climates then the original.
Yeah man, everyone I know around here grows in poly tunnels. Only the bigger growers have Indoor set-ups, but thats only very very few.

Yeah it sucked, but I learned alot about outdoor growing in this weather from that grow. It was my first grow too, so I didnt expect much.
Hmm, thats interesting, I would of thought that the origional would be hardier than #2, as the ruderalis in the lowryder #2 is even further watered down. Awell.
They look good so far but take a look at my thread i just posted info on why not to transplant AF's. Most AF growers will tell you to start your autoflowers in the pot you intend to have them finish in. Transplanting causes shock to them and they will need time to recover. AF's dont have time neither can they make time to recover. Which is going to hinder your yield/growth , the strain you got isnt a big producer either. If I were you i'd transplant asap dont wait...


Also, my advice dont let them get much bigger in there together their roots are gonna tangle, they will fight for nutrients/water. Doing it that way just isnt a good idea bud.
Thanks for your advice dude. I didnt want to put them out yet as the weather was terrible the last few days. Its getting sunnier now, and they'll be transplanted tomorrow or on Friday. I might keep the small one in the house for a bit longer, until it gets strong enough for Ireland's climate.


Well-Known Member
that's interesting, i have repotted many autos and never had a problem. i find them very robust little plants.
Autos don’t appreciate being transplanted. They just don’t have time to recover from transplant shock in their mad dash from seed to harvest. So don’t do it! Either sow the auto seed direct into their 3 gallon pot or better still, follow the direction below:

Not saying it cant happen and i even MENTIONED in my previous post that some ppl do transplant, also ive said in other posts that there are rogue growers who claim they transplant w/o problems which you are proving me right. For future ref though ppl new to the forums i take with a grain of salt. Not saying you dont know what your talking about but alof of ppl joining the forums seem to say alot but dont know much about growing. :roll: .

Also, theres the old saying "Different strokes for different folks" What works for you might not for somebody else. And you can be sure that it dont effect them? Just cause you cant see the growth hinder doesnt mean its not. You might get some robust plants but they might 2x as better if you dont transplant. Theres too many variables at play anyone with growing experience will know that.
Heres a little update on my baby herbs.
One of them is a bit slow, but im sure it'll catch up soon.

Just to let ya'll know, when they are put outside, they will be inside a little tent I threw together out of cling film. Five pots just about fit into it, so it'll do. I will post pictures of the tent when I transplant.

Untill then, keep irie.
Jah Bless.


Well-Known Member
Cling film? Like plastic wrap? The material that use as a splash guard and heat retainer during cooking?? That really the best material ya have mate?
Autos don’t appreciate being transplanted. They just don’t have time to recover from transplant shock in their mad dash from seed to harvest. So don’t do it! Either sow the auto seed direct into their 3 gallon pot or better still, follow the direction below:

Not saying it cant happen and i even MENTIONED in my previous post that some ppl do transplant, also ive said in other posts that there are rogue growers who claim they transplant w/o problems which you are proving me right. For future ref though ppl new to the forums i take with a grain of salt. Not saying you dont know what your talking about but alof of ppl joining the forums seem to say alot but dont know much about growing. :roll: .

Also, theres the old saying "Different strokes for different folks" What works for you might not for somebody else. And you can be sure that it dont effect them? Just cause you cant see the growth hinder doesnt mean its not. You might get some robust plants but they might 2x as better if you dont transplant. Theres too many variables at play anyone with growing experience will know that.
like i said, it works fine for me. take it with a pinch of whatever you like, it makes no difference. and i'm not new to the forum, i've been a member for over 3 years.


Well-Known Member
like i said, it works fine for me. take it with a pinch of whatever you like, it makes no difference. and i'm not new to the forum, i've been a member for over 3 years.
Yes 3 years with a 36 post count, as i said

Not saying you dont know what your talking about BUT alot of ppl joining the forums seem to say alot but dont know much about growing.
That wasnt directed at you that was in general. This thread is the first time i ever saw your name, so your new to me especially when you have been here for 3 years and so little posts.

After checking you only started posting on 5-10-2013, Even though you had an account for 3 years your new here, weather you like it or not your new.. And your posts are really just jibber jabber. So yes im gonna take a pinch, of exiting myself out of this conversation. Good day and best luck on your endeavors.
Cling film? Like plastic wrap? The material that use as a splash guard and heat retainer during cooking?? That really the best material ya have mate?
Haha yeah, the thin, see through plastic wrap that one uses to wrap sandwiches in ^^ It works, I tried it out before.
I havn't mentioned this before, but it'll be a stealth grow. Its on someone elses fields that they dont use. I could of made a mini greenhouse out of glass or plastic sheets, but if the sun shines on them, you can see the glare from ages away. You dont get that with cling film. Thats why I used it. It looks flimsy, but it does what it has to do.



Well-Known Member
Hey thats cool bro, sounds like a plan :), should get a couple of those topsy turvey's and camo paint them and toss em up in some tree's too :D
Transplanted the 3 bigger seedlings today. I have my tent thingy set up on a south-southwest facing hill side, over looking a lake. They'll get all the sun they need, if the weather plays along of course..

Now the wait begins...

Bless n love


Active Member
Yeah man, everyone I know around here grows in poly tunnels. Only the bigger growers have Indoor set-ups, but thats only very very few.

Yeah it sucked, but I learned alot about outdoor growing in this weather from that grow. It was my first grow too, so I didnt expect much.
Hmm, thats interesting, I would of thought that the origional would be hardier than #2, as the ruderalis in the lowryder #2 is even further watered down. Awell.
Hah, down here its the opposite, big growers use polytunnels and small fry grow in closets.

Iv always wondered about the possibility of doing a guerrilla grow, its one of the reasons I think I shall be a frequent reader of your journal :bigjoint:

Logic would say so wouldn't it, and you could be right.
I just have this vivid memory of reading some grow reports saying #2 does slightly better.
Guess we shall see before to long eh.