lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro


Active Member
Damn it...i took my clones from the clone machine and put them into my vege room,(250 MH 3 ft away from the clones) looks like they going to die :wall:.
i put back into my clone machine and they are fine now(cfl bulb)....any sugestion???



Well-Known Member
so i got bored and got a microscope. thc under it looks pretty amazing. so far i've only figured out how to view up to 120 times but man it looks different. if anyone has 1 i would try it. you cant use it to view the colours of the trichs though cause its to much and the backlighting changes the colour. try it if anyone has 1. wish more was going on with my grows. the lowryder are coming along and the hempstars still arent finished.


Well-Known Member
hey your clones just need more time. some strains can handle going without a dome or anything ight after roots appear but some just need more time. just give them 24 hours more. or move them to where they nearly died and stick 2 litre pop bottles over them with the bottoms cut off. it will keep the moisture in and theywont wilt. but 1 moreday of root growth should fix it also. but the bottles work everytime. good luck. it looks sweet. same container as the hempstars. lol


Well-Known Member
just checked on them. your lowryder look perfect. they seem to get the mag def. but easy fix. they are growing fast to. the other plants are def looking to be nearly done. also your lowryders havnt started to stretch yet so you may have all females. the males stretch like crazy. in 2 weeks you'll have little buds on there and you'll be able to smell the citus smell hopefully. some people say they smell bad but others say grapefruit. i agree with the fruit smell so youll have to let me know. mine are coming along slowly. they better pack on the buds fast or i'll be worried. lol. looking good and fast. theyll be done in no time. but it will feel like forever. lol


Well-Known Member
i'll watch man. just keep posting. but grab a 43 watt cfl just to double the watts. it will be worth it. but def sounds cool. good luck for sure.


Well-Known Member
Damn it...i took my clones from the clone machine and put them into my vege room,(250 MH 3 ft away from the clones) looks like they going to die :wall:.
i put back into my clone machine and they are fine now(cfl bulb)....any sugestion???

leave them in the clone machine till youcan see a good amount of roots and leave a humidity dome on the. i clone for about two weeks.


Well-Known Member
Sensi Seeds Northern Lights #5 X Haze, just looked this up and 150 for one seed, dam, thats seems like alot, but you do get a bunch of other free ones though. Should i get only feminized seeds or some of each?

I paid about $168 and got about 10, i think, pics posted of my newest order.:weed:


Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
let us know how all that goes, mail me some clones please, just kiddin....
I did see something about mailing clones a while back. But only if they don't have to go through customs. Cut a small soda bottle in half and put the clones in with some paper towels and tape it up. They said it was good for at least 3 day's shipping. Just send it Priority mail. So who want's to be the first to try?? That would be sweet if we could send each other clones of our plants.


Well-Known Member
it depends what shipping method you choose. if i remember it was like 16 bucks for priority shipping and its shipped in a tshirt. but shipping can go from like 12$-20+

if youre talking about seeds, clones lol i have no idea, if someone tried that id give em mad props


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt even try shipping a clone unless you can pull off a fake adress or p.o. box.. ide just ship a safe. lined with led. lol


Well-Known Member
yeah, that would be sick if ya could. anyone know some sites to get some grow big nutrients for like something under 18 $ with shipping?