Johnney Herbz

Active Member
EDC is coming up in a few days, im going saturday. How would LSD for my first time be? I've been in a positive mind state about LSD since 8th grade. been wanting to trip for so long. what should i expect?


Active Member
You should expect some crazy visuals. I'd do MDMA at an event like this rather than LSD. But you will have a blast! I wish I could go.


New Member
EDC is coming up in a few days, im going saturday. How would LSD for my first time be? I've been in a positive mind state about LSD since 8th grade. been wanting to trip for so long. what should i expect?
you should expect a great time if you keep your mind clear of bad thought that cause bad trips. Have fun, and tell us how it goes.

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
Well im hoping for the best (:
I'll def let you guys know how it goes. yeah MDMA was my first choice but ive been wanting to trip for so long i thought it was a perfect choice


Well-Known Member
LSD is a spiritual wonderful experience that should be shared with the whole world....LSD FOR ALL!!! oh sorry, got excited, its hard to find where I'm at, damn near impossible, but I know its out there somewhere....


Well-Known Member
DONT TRIP AT RAVES OR COMCERTS. Trust me.Was told this when i was young and an avid tripper. Didnt learn my lesson till i dropped a 10 strip of some silver crystal and had to be lead out by hand because i couldnt see anything. Was all power shifting and people sounded like jibberish. Didn't help people around me were rolling and were usless to help me.


Well-Known Member
DONT TRIP AT RAVES OR COMCERTS. Trust me.Was told this when i was young and an avid tripper. Didnt learn my lesson till i dropped a 10 strip of some silver crystal and had to be lead out by hand because i couldnt see anything. Was all power shifting and people sounded like jibberish. Didn't help people around me were rolling and were usless to help me.
Maybe it had to deal with you making the stupid move of downing a ten strip. In any environment, I think you would have to be aided in some way :lol:


Rollin at shows is always tight, but ive never done acid. I think trippin at a concert would be wayy too intense, unless its like gwar or something like that lol.


I can only suggest that you make sure you have friends around and whatever other "back to reality" trigger items with you so you keep your cool (if you are worried about it). Shit I miss me some LSD- have a great time!


Hit it up my boy, at a concert is a great place imo to try it. I've been to a few electronic music partys and had a whale of a time or just dropped a couple with some good close friends at home, aslong as youv got good friends you will be safe.