LSD: my trip.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much what Rory said. You're describing the low dose experience and assuming that is all it will ever be. Don't think because one or two is a cool buzz that ten or twenty will be at all similar.
I've found the dose response curve of LSD seems to rise initially, then you get to a point between 300ug and 750ug where effects don't increase significantly but the duration increases, but then there is an increase in effects again starting somewhere in the mg range (for those 300ug folks in the prior example probably about a mg, for the 750ug folks more like 2-2.5mg).


Well-Known Member
i saw my friend flipping a snorkle with a rubber mouthpiece around,catching trails off the erratic flip-flop of the snorkles lower half..i looked back,and he was grappling with this huge snake,tryinf to hold it at a distance where it couldnt bite him with both kept striking at his face violently..i gasped,blinked a second,and all at the same time realized what was up,looked back and he was flipping the snorkle again..i shoulda never panicked at all,i saw a man grappling with giant serpent,smiling ear to ear...:-)


Well-Known Member
I saw Papa John Creach turn into a cricket playing an electric violin while tripping on 500mic Clearlight Window pane at Winterland, SF, Ca.
my friend saw the dead there,forget what year,but he said he got twasted(thats twisted,and wasted) and the entrance to the side collapsed in on itself and became what he described as a giant morphing vagina..and he had to walk into the vagina! was scared of the building size pussy.i wish i had been there to fuck with him(and to see the dead!).so long ago i think i was just born..
i told him he needed to get layed more often before he hallucinates so much,he fucks a keyhole!:-)


Well-Known Member
Rory i was laughing at that asshole lol. Hope u didnt take that personally!! I was laughin cuz he freaked out like a female thats all!! Sorry im high


Well-Known Member
So glad my bud got a few sheets of needlepoint. Apparently it's legitimate, he said he took one and had a very clean strong trip for a long time. He said he can't wait to eat ten and see what happens.. Mmmmm, getting a few of those mofos tonight! Gotta wait til next weekend to eat it though. It's way better far out in nature if you're not at a show or something.


Well-Known Member
LSD is.. Something. I would gladly eat a couple mg's(I very possibly have before because there is a point that I've gotten to where I don't think you can even get any higher than that.. Those 24-27 whatever amount it was, got me the furthest that I have ever been. All of my senses were one sense because they were all so acute that they entangled and I basically turned into a sponge unable to move or see. the patterns were almost confusing because of how incredibly complex they were. And they were all I could see. No hand in front of my face or anything.. Not to mention the weird ass blue diamond looking guys. Strange, I saw them when I ate a ten strip of hoffmans too.. When they 'talk' it sounds like aliens playing electrical didgeridoo's..
Beings perhaps? I haven't had too much luck with beings, here soon though I'm making ayahuasca let me see them whether it wants to or not.


Well-Known Member
So glad my bud got a few sheets of needlepoint. Apparently it's legitimate, he said he took one and had a very clean strong trip for a long time. He said he can't wait to eat ten and see what happens.. Mmmmm, getting a few of those mofos tonight! Gotta wait til next weekend to eat it though. It's way better far out in nature if you're not at a show or something.
whats printed on the page?


Well-Known Member
LSD is.. Something. I would gladly eat a couple mg's(I very possibly have before because there is a point that I've gotten to where I don't think you can even get any higher than that.. Those 24-27 whatever amount it was, got me the furthest that I have ever been. All of my senses were one sense because they were all so acute that they entangled and I basically turned into a sponge unable to move or see. the patterns were almost confusing because of how incredibly complex they were. And they were all I could see. No hand in front of my face or anything.. Not to mention the weird ass blue diamond looking guys. Strange, I saw them when I ate a ten strip of hoffmans too.. When they 'talk' it sounds like aliens playing electrical didgeridoo's..
Beings perhaps? I haven't had too much luck with beings, here soon though I'm making ayahuasca let me see them whether it wants to or not.
You might be a future rory lol. Cause I've taken some doses that high, and I certainly don't want to again. They weren't bad experiences, but they were extremely difficult to bear at some parts. Maybe one day.... for now 400-500ug is usually the sweet spot for me.


Well-Known Member
I feel like I will be rory in the future haha, LSD is just.. The more I take. The better it gets. I'd be as bold to take 100.
Everything affects people differently.. The sweet spot you're taking about


Well-Known Member
I'd at least be able to communicate.. Haha but going into deep waters is kinda my thing. Rory has me on that one though, he wins the contest.

Rory, they are WOW. So.. Idk but I'm testing it this weekend so I'll let you know because I will have a good idea of the dosage that was taken by what the effects are.
What is it supposed to look like? You could just put liquid needlepoint on like smartees or something too right? I haven't ever heard of them having a specific print


Well-Known Member
pretty much the only acid that makes it to this corner of the planet (florida) is Wow. In large quantities at least. There were some gels not too long ago which I hadn't seen since I was in high school. Still just as good :)


Well-Known Member
they dont,unless a lucy bomb gets dropped..its up to the dealers integrity to let you know.but usually the product will speak for itself..i could put 500ug of amber or champagne on a hit and say its 200ug n.p.,but when you eat it and trip,youll know..the impurities will taste,the trip will seem the same,but in 4hours loses its sparkle,where with needlepoint,youll just be getting settled in for the ride..tension,body temp fluxuations ect..all that "dirty" description isnt present..even fluff ill have a minute "edge" to it..needlepoint is just enveloping love..nothing there to remind you of anything else..


Well-Known Member
where with needlepoint,youll just be getting settled in for the ride..tension,body temp fluxuations ect..all that "dirty" description isnt present..even fluff ill have a minute "edge" to it..needlepoint is just enveloping love..nothing there to remind you of anything else..
Straight up perfect description from my limited experience with needlepoint. Most of what I've had is fluff or silver.


Well-Known Member
pretty much the only acid that makes it to this corner of the planet (florida) is Wow. In large quantities at least. There were some geoo long ago which I hadn't seen since I was in high school. Still just as good :)
some times little "treats" are in order...i remember the christmas gels in '99..all of a sudden,every hippy on tour had red and green gels,and it was just in time for winter tour in december..
or the pink gels for easter/spring tour...we told custies they were made of bunnie blood!


Well-Known Member
What he described his experience as fits yours Rory so I'm very excited.

Now what is this silver? I've heard of it but never have eaten any


Well-Known Member
Rory's right about starting with ten.
I personally hate having less than ten. Even if they are very strong.

I just find the more 'full' it gets, the better.

Also OP, with this homeboy, homegirl talk.. Lol learn the ways of the internet before you get eaten.
You can't overdose.
I don't know about permafrying. Think that it has everything to do with the person and how dumb they are or if they're already crazy and then use LSD as a scapegoat.

Acid is fun, you SHOULD do it!
No hate, but man.. haha <3
No disrespect ,but I was on a permafry from 88-92. Had a crystal melt in my pocket. It happens.