I recomended tape as a last resort. It's kind of hard to tell how bad the damage is from a photo. I not once suggested that tapping was the one and only way to go. I , like so many, offered my opinon. When I used tape, I fractured the main cola. Didn't think it would be the best time to try and use that as a clone. Graphting the stem seemed the best route to go, so that's what I did. So glad I could entertain and amuze you so much with a scientific approach to repairng fratured stems. By the way, my plant turned out fine.
Yes repairing a mature fully grown stem with tape is all good , but on a seedling ? , your plant finished nice , no reason it should not have , a mature stem is just like a motorway inside just for sending shit up and down , so long you seal the break , its cool , however a still growing seedling/cutting this is not a good idead, this is point i tried to make , no slander intended.....