LST Growing question


Well-Known Member
Yes and no. LST will make more sufficient use of your space with less plants.example 10 clones grown SoG would yield about the same as 2 - 4 plants properly LST'd. Genetics and proper use of light is where most of your yield will come from.


Active Member
Absolutely, when compared to just growing your plant like a tree. Don't be afraid to bend your plants, they can take it better than you think, especially right after they've been fed.


i think 6500k and 2700k are the spectrums you need. 2700(red) for flower 6500(blue) for veg

oh and LST is the bomb esp. for enclosed spaces


Active Member
LST is great for:

1. Make an outdoor crop look like something other than marijuana.
2. Keeping height down in a cabinet.
3. Evening out the tops of your crop to maximize light distribution.