lst+scrog+long veg = huge plant/yield?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if I sprout a few plants, and then pick the healthiest, can I get a large yield by lsting it into a circle, and growing that up through a screen, and giving it a long veg period so it can assume a large size, then go into flower period, will I get a large yield? This is assuming dwc with 4 65 watt cfls (6500k) or two 125 watt cfls (3000k and 6500k). I understand it will take longer, but is this feasible?


Well-Known Member
The scrog (screen of green) system allows all the colas to grow on an even plane and get the same amount of light, instead of the main top cola hogging it all and shadowing other buds. Supposedly, with care, you can grow even the smaller colas to nearly the size of the main top cola.