LTD's First Grow Log, CFL only


Active Member
my plant leaves on 3 of my plants are looking droopy what is this a sign of? over watering maybe?

or do they look like that if they take a transfer bad.... ( i'm 50% sure i might of gave em to much water/humidity)


Well-Known Member
over watering man give it a few days before you water again mak e sure the soil is a fingers or half a finger dry before you water again i made that mistake last night too lol


Active Member
No water today or tomorow probably, also switching them to 20/4 veg time since they have seemed to recover slightly from the transfer...stillw aiting for real new growth but w/e will do


Active Member
i guess ill stay at 24/0 till i hit 12/12 i guess....

more pictures....look at the last ones , then picture 6 droopier plants with zero new growth... n thats what i got today

i tihnk the transfer maybe not taking well...i dont know... i thought they woulda just shrivled up and died if i fucked it up ....forced move coming up i dont know if these fuckers will even last the 5 hour car drive at this point.. i transfered them 2days ago....

Edit...i feel like i made them ...kill themselves b/c i made their pot size smaller....

probably a horrible mistake but i had no was either do it then or wait a week till they were even more root bound into a pot 3 times as deep.


Active Member
i guess ill stay at 24/0 till i hit 12/12 i guess....

more pictures....look at the last ones , then picture 6 droopier plants with zero new growth... n thats what i got today

i tihnk the transfer maybe not taking well...i dont know... i thought they woulda just shrivled up and died if i fucked it up ....forced move coming up i dont know if these fuckers will even last the 5 hour car drive at this point.. i transfered them 2days ago....

Edit...i feel like i made them ...kill themselves b/c i made their pot size smaller....

probably a horrible mistake but i had no was either do it then or wait a week till they were even more root bound into a pot 3 times as deep.

wait did i miss something? whats going on thats what i get for my internet explorer bein a hoe! anyways whats going on? when we get some more pictures?


Active Member
Day uhhh carry the 3 add the 8 ......
DAY 19.

Pictures... Droopy rehab' plants

Beer pong In Front of picture is a Seed i found in a bag of skunky nugs and germinated in less then 12 hours... so day 1 from seed for it on the 13th

Droopy and shitty pictures...sry my camera is vintage shitty.



Active Member
In first picture i tried to picture lil green things growin in the joints... are these preflowers? or is this wat the preflowers grow outta? they look like pointed stems but VERY small...not rounded at all or have hairs poping out


Well-Known Member
In first picture i tried to picture lil green things growin in the joints... are these preflowers? or is this wat the preflowers grow outta? they look like pointed stems but VERY small...not rounded at all or have hairs poping out
preflowers sorry i missed that lol


Well-Known Member
so they are preflowers? if they are pointed they are female? round they are male?
well its too early to tell unlerss u are doing 12/12? are you, if not it is just new growth you are seeing you will either see clear hairs or balls when its flowerin but they r to young to tell so its prolly just new growth man


Active Member
i thought it was to early n only one of them has it , but i been doing all kinda moving so i didnt know if i triggered something somehow haha word though... with a mag glass tehy almost look like microscopic leaves so your probably right . i'mma top one in the morning maybe 2 if they grow enough to be topped .

What is the diff between results u get from fiming and toping. i know how to do both.(kinda)


Well-Known Member
well when you top you get two main colas and when you fimm you get up to 4 if done right ive got 3 on one plant from fimming i did both this morning and some of the ones i topped are already starting to show where they r gonna grow


Active Member
with topping you get 2 tops that come out, a fim basicaly 4 tops. It could be the stipules your seeing. if they almost resemble a single tiny blade that comes next to the new shoot near a leaf base. It is possible to have preflowers at a young age, but being mature enough to make out male or fem is a pain sometimes and better off waiting. Without flowering pre-sex male/female flowers usually do not appear until after the 6th node. usually the plant breaks away from its V leaf pattern and starts to become staggered when your plant has matured.

- = stem < or / \ = leafs.

------<--- if your leafs are matched on both sides of the stem it is most likely not old enought to have matured (this is not always the case, mature plants can keep & revert back to matching leafs per side)


is more of what a mature plants leaf structure looks like.