Mad Men OG Kush ** Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
Got it under a 24 Watt grow light in my closet with aluminum foil all around the closet.
I water 2 times a day
i got a 1 gallon bucket
im planning on using 2 extra Flourescent lights to let the bottom part grow
havent added any nutrients yet
It was suffereing from a magnesium defiency in the beggining of its life
But it over came that
Any Feedback is Appreciated
Thanks Fellow Growwerz082910_1256[00].jpgMadmen OG Kush.jpg


Well-Known Member
it looks good. is that what you wanted to hear? lol. that thing would be better off outside bro,, you need some more light


Well-Known Member
yea for what you got right now it should be straight but yea right now is the perfect time of year to start flowerin, days are getting shorter as we speak, so just keep veggin it with what you have, it looks pretty good actually, not stretched to bad or anything, hell you could prolly put it outside right now and it wont start flowerin prly for like 3 weeks, but you prly wanna let it veg a bit longer, i would let keep it under what you got right now try to let it get a couple feet taller than throw it outside


Well-Known Member
Yea I wouldn't try that.. I've read that low nightime temps can cause bud to turn purple.. I'm not sure how true it is though.. I agree with what you've been told, veg indoor and put it outside to flower.. Be ready for bugs though.. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
ahaha dam i cant rely on my friend anymore then :p ahaha okay anoher question is madmen OG kush or chronic? or hybrid?