magic truffles trip reports?


Well-Known Member
Truffs are delivered fresh from wet.Vacuum packed.15 grams wet is a strong dose.From experience.
And common knowledge.
I do less.Probably cos i dont do pharms.booze.meat .Also i do standing meditation.
I think theres only so far you can go on mushrooms.I have eaten alot of liberty caps.
I never tried with syrian rue seeds ,but i have read its a good potentiator .
Rehydrated for easier consumption???????????
Im guessing you havent tried them.
If i were doing P.semileanceta .I would have 30 fresh.depending on the size.
I have had India .Thailand.Canada.Cant tell you what the dose was.
The only psych mushrooms I have partaken have been cubensis and pan cyan both dried. I've only read and corresponded with individuals who have grown and/or gone to Amsterdam and taken truffs. These individuals. Whom I trust. Have stated 10-15 grams dry. You rehydrate (wet or soak) them to make them more edible. Other wise their consistency is closer to a stone. Aka the philosopher's stone.