magnesium problem or nute burn


Well-Known Member
I need a little advice or some opinions here. I see ittle yellow dots and drooping bottom leaves, looks like nute burn, I put my finger a cppl inches into the soil and its not vto moist but idon know how moist it dhould be? Any help would be gretly appreciated



Well-Known Member
I gave them some water not as much as last time going to see if that helps get things looking better, still any advice one anything would be helpful, I got the temp down and am gonna give them A week before I do anything drastic

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
what is you water schedule? the soil should become almost dry too much water can be worse than too little at times, are you feeding already if so what nutes at what level, how far along are you in this grow ,what soil are you using


Well-Known Member
They really do not look bad. I would just water them when they need, no nutes. They look alittle young for nutes IMO, but if your using soil with nutes in it that could be a little rough on your youngsters.


Well-Known Member
hanks for all the osts, I am using Fox Farm ocean forest, and was using big grow before, then I added some flouraciuos and fox farm big bloom, I did a tablespoon of each mixed in a gallon of water (thats what I was told at the hyrdo store), I gave them each a paper cup of water last night and am not too sure on how to tell i Im over or underwatering? thanks again and I greatly appreciate all the help


Well-Known Member
sandman those look like they are still seedlings anyways big grow is too much for them. If you get a fox farm feeding schedule the seedling stage it has on the top is a month long thing so really you the big grow should come out for atleast the first six weeks.


Well-Known Member
I wasnt here and I think they were stunted because I wasnt able to transfer them into 5 gallon pots in time and get them under the lights that had something to do with it, they are looking a little more healthy but still show some signs of burn



Well-Known Member
awe the term meaning check the weight thanks for clearing that up i would have never gotten that . "woke up got a little high saw the world for what it is....fuzzy."


Well-Known Member
Two things here, with the weight of the pot how much heavier should it be, I feed mine a paper cup and a half of water on a schedule of (water, no, no water). With the lower leaves that have yellowed should I trim those off or leave them be??


Well-Known Member
as long as the leaves are still soft and not crispy you should leave them on sometimes they can still come back....I would weigh it all on how many l healthy leaves i had left and as long as its not a flower stage its still pretty safe to get rid of them.