Magnum xxl and 6" Max-Fan set up question


Hi, I'm designing the ventilation for a 4x4 grow tent (112 cu ft.) with one
(6 inch)magnum xxl + 600 W. HPS. I have heard good thing about the Max-Fan so this will probably be my choice in a fan.
Let me describe my layout and my hope is for advice. Thanks in advance.
I will be pulling inside the tent air through the light (intake air is about 72 F.). Here is the progression. carbon filter - 4 feet ducting - Light - 10 feet ducting - Fan - silencer - 10 feet ducting to outside the building.

I could do a passive or active air intake??

I'm putting the fan in a DIY sound dampening box.
From the Max Fan site I see that with a filter and 50 ' of ducting the flow rate will be 259 CFM (unhindered it's 334 CFM).

My main criteria is of course keeping things cool. Then as quiet as possible. Then
keeping the electric consumption as stealthy as possible.

Does this sound realistic? Thanks a bunch!