Mainy's topped SOG technique journal


Well-Known Member
Iv stripped clean the two stems so there's two nice tops and iv switch to 12/12 today :) and a dual spec 400hps the extra blue should shorten the stretch and i should hopefully end up with two nice short thick colas ... Or a dog might eat them !! Who knows ;)
12/12 week 1



Well-Known Member
does this look like its going yellow ?
i watered and checked ph run off etc so everythings right ......... If it is then i hopfully fixed it.!774&authkey=!ADSVwEh84dQeCdo&v=3&ithint=photo,jpg
ok so iv fixed the problem .... Cal mag lockout 6 ish ph

we live and learn and live and learn and live etc etc

so iv got a test im doing ...... Mainlining from the 2nd node. Ahhhhh yes very early to some .
white widow

its allready a few weeks in :) so if ya wanna look ya can , if ya don't ....... Peace :)!804&authkey=!AIZwa0LgGPY6xpA&v=3&ithint=photo,jpg