Majority of Americans want Bush investigated for war crimes


Well-Known Member
she got a strap on ,,,,,,,,,,what ur 2 slow 2 see is america has seen u and u where rejected u r unamerican and ur kings r going 2 trial for treir sins in this life and the next


Well-Known Member
Yes, that one. Uhh, it was not top secret of the intent. It was the manner which was a mystery. Doh....

You forgot to mention that extreme prejudice was an option with Bin laden during Clintons watch (3 times)...he caved each time. Nice....
Or how bout the fact that it was Clinton who insisted on treating the WTO bombing as a criminal act instead of a terrorist attack (which of course it was), not wishing to blemish his administrations gross mishandling of intel and its consequences of inaction (USS Cole)(Embassy bombings).

How bout them apples? I liked Clintons economic ideas...they were in the realm of being correct. Clinton understood that welfare was not the way either. His one real accomplishment (welfare reform) is being undone as we speak. :clap: However, Clinton's foreign policies were a joke at best, or a nightmare, killing many thousands at worst.

out. :blsmoke:
u glad he stepp in 4 u


Well-Known Member
I agree with you 100% 420 apprentice...

These liberals are just regurgitating the bullshit propaganda they get fed by the media. They are just mindless followers and can't think for themselves.


Well-Known Member
i'll tell all of u don't cuss me don't call names u do either u better have ur facts straight if u want to run that lip and facts r not on ur side , learn some humility the other parties r lookin 4 ur spot

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
gangja yor a fucking duesche bag dont insult my wife asshole what fuck it just shows that u cant intelligently debate your opinions. just go pray of something u to will be rejected because the american people are miss led by media and fantasy thoughts of love and peace and everybodys good.


Well-Known Member
gangja yor a fucking duesche bag dont insult my wife asshole what fuck it just shows that u cant intelligently debate your opinions. just go pray of something u to will be rejected because the american people are miss led by media and fantasy thoughts of love and peace and everybodys good.
what a pussy u called names 1st u broght her up got any nude pics


Well-Known Member
i knew if i logged off u'd attack i saw u coming trollin my way tryin 2 get the nuts , i would advise u 2 appoligize or get ur facts right , r wrong and u r 2 big of a baby 2 hear the truth

pool dude

Active Member
What W did was not criminal unpopular yes criminal NO!!! Alot of people in this thread would rather have left a sicko mass murder dictator in power than do the right thing and help those poor people. Dont take me the wrong way I'm no Bush fanboy and he made some mistakes no.1 being Rumsfeld but we have never had a perfect president. Just think of how long it took the U.S. to gain independance and you want it to happen in 2or3 years for iraqi people. And to all that point to the death toll in iraq and claim that as a war crime wake up we have a volunteer armed forces and they know their fighting the good fight they dont regret what has happened so if the only thing you have to bitch about read the paper and bitch about the doubling of the national debt. And finaly ***** head I beg of you please go back to hallucinatory section and keep burning those brain cells becuse this is grown up talk.


Well-Known Member
What W did was not criminal unpopular yes criminal NO!!! Alot of people in this thread would rather have left a sicko mass murder dictator in power than do the right thing and help those poor people. Dont take me the wrong way I'm no Bush fanboy and he made some mistakes no.1 being Rumsfeld but we have never had a perfect president. Just think of how long it took the U.S. to gain independance and you want it to happen in 2or3 years for iraqi people. And to all that point to the death toll in iraq and claim that as a war crime wake up we have a volunteer armed forces and they know their fighting the good fight they dont regret what has happened so if the only thing you have to bitch about read the paper and bitch about the doubling of the national debt. And finaly ***** head I beg of you please go back to hallucinatory section and keep burning those brain cells becuse this is grown up talk.
anouther koolaid junkie **** head ur a lier u didn't wave that flag to save the iraqee ppl from soddom ,,,,,,,,,,,, why ain't ur chicken hawk ass over there,,,,,,,u know u almost made it there till the very end where u get to act like a child but i'm not ready for grown up talk , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,anouther villian fixin 2 cry like a victum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,pathetic

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
again you result to just insults because your just another dumb fuck who has nothing intelligent to ad to the arguement just the same tired old bullshit. oh and yes nude pics of your daughter licking my asshole and loving you fucking dousche bag if ever seen you in public i would beat shit out of a mindless prick like you.


Well-Known Member
again you result to just insults because your just another dumb fuck who has nothing intelligent to ad to the arguement just the same tired old bullshit. oh and yes nude pics of your daughter licking my asshole and loving you fucking dousche bag if ever seen you in public i would beat shit out of a mindless prick like you.

Did you learn this kind of talk at the Palin rallies or did your daddy do things to you when you were a kid.


New Member
Even saddam admitted before they strung him up that he had every intention of RECONSTITUTING his wmd program as soon as the pressure came off. Naturally this means he HAD a wmd program to start with. the Kurds didn't just drop dead on their own....they had help. Iraq knows darn well we did them a HUGE favor. Reelecting the Iraqi president was proof enough.

Al Quaeda defeated on what Osama called the CENTRAL FRONT
Iran thwarted from interfering in Iraq's political future.
Hundreds of thousands of people taken off of the butchers block which was the saddam regime.

I can see why the left is seething over it....nothing good came from it at all. :roll:

We'll see if Obama can turn that back into a nightmare of a country...he's moving in that direction...lawdy what a noob.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Even saddam admitted before they strung him up that he had every intention of RECONSTITUTING his wmd program as soon as the pressure came off. Naturally this means he HAD a wmd program to start with. the Kurds didn't just drop dead on their own....they had help. Iraq knows darn well we did them a HUGE favor. Reelecting the Iraqi president was proof enough.

Al Quaeda defeated on what Osama called the CENTRAL FRONT
Iran thwarted from interfering in Iraq's political future.
Hundreds of thousands of people taken off of the butchers block which was the saddam regime.

I can see why the left is seething over it....nothing good came from it at all. :roll:

We'll see if Obama can turn that back into a nightmare of a country...he's moving in that direction...lawdy what a noob.

out. :blsmoke:
This dribble coming from someone who's new party leader is Joe The Plumber. Is an IQ of 70 or under a requirement to be a member of the GOP?