Make Butter Better, the Ultimate Recipe for Cannabutter

wassup slab, i suggest trying the cannacaramel on top of some cannacookies to start out with. fuckin delicious!
in terms of cookin' the stuff, i don't get technical about it since this recipe works. i may soon try to find an even better setting to get more potency, but i get really high of my butter. i also have started to put extra butter into recipes like cookies that can utilize it, even more potency per cookie!

omg, cannawaffles sounds ridiculous! doin it today!
smartguy- i have no ratios perse, and i don't suggest the "more the merrier" approach, because you can only extract so much thc into so much butter.... i will say that with kief or hash there's really no reason to make a butter this hard way, i usually just disolve it into butter that i store in the fridge for a week (cold extract). i don't suggest using good bud, but throw in all the shitty popcorn buds you want!

btw EVERYTHING going into the crock pot gets ground as fine as possible, if you can get finer than a coffee grinder do it. more surface area is the idea.
thinking about edibles recently, thinking of eating some before the plane ride this holiday. would that get me too tripped out? lol

and... bump
The best ganja peanut butter rice krispy treat recipe:

2 C. Rice Krispies
1/2 C. Honey
1/2 C. Butter (ganja butter)
1 C. Peanut Butter
2 Tbs. Vanilla Extract

.........Super simple & delicious!!!! Definately my #1 fav.! Can be made vegan too!! Hope they're enjoyed by everyone!
LOL, yes So after using the crock pot method I gave my cuz a butterscotch bar. He went to sleep afterwards, apparently he said he woke up dizzy and couldnt feel his legs. Said it was strong for him and he thought I put something else. He doesnt smoke but once in a blue moon. Lol.. I eat em I feel good. lol crazy I look forward to using my trim for some edibles.. Still debating should i make hash or butter this time.. I love BHO after finding out how to make it.
I use vector Butane.. I saved all my stems any weed shake that gets on my table mixed with unwanted junk ( i.e. pet hair ) I put it in a container and save it. I even use those fan leaves that have no trichomes on it. I have also used males too.. I make sure its really dry.. then I take coffee grinder and grind up the material.

I made a device using PVC pipe. ( some say its hazardous but I been told its not) I plan on switching to steel pipe. Anyways I glued some threaded ends, took two end caps used a small bit to drill holes in one end cap like a salt or peper container. I drill the other one the size of the nozzle of the butane. took coffee filter cut a circle and attached to end cap with 3-5 holes in it. The pipe is about 5-6 inches long. I go outside for safety, and I take the butane and place nozzle on device. I hold it using a glove since I did not build a support for the device. Works fine for me. I used a pyrex glass to hold the butane in. I used the whole bottle and i get a butane in the glass dish. It ONLY extracts the thc and converts some of the thc into a more active psychoative form I been told, especially if you whip it up into "budder" I get another glass dish bigger then the one currently with butane mix in, and I place hot water in that, because Butane has a low boiling point she will start to boil almost imediately. giver her some time and blow some air on top to allow faster evap. After 10 mins the butane should all be evaoporate whats left is "honey oil" or bho. I use a blade to scrape all of this. I get a generous amount considering I am workign with small amounts. I havent used anythign prime like good trim yet. I used some decent mid buds about 5 grams worth or so. This method is awesome, it gets me freaking high like a kite. Great way to use any leftover trim. I like this method more then bubblehash. No expensive equipment and it doesnt take much to get a decent amount. I get a Q tip size worth from just shake n stems. I then take the honey oil that I made, and I roll her up in dro.. then take that and roll her up in kief. I then take this and break off small amounts and put it on top of my my bowl and light..

Man this stuff really is great and is simple.

Butane is flammable but I never had a problem doing it , being outside with a nice draft present and no open flames, I had nothing to worry about.
I use vector Butane.. I saved all my stems any weed shake that gets on my table mixed with unwanted junk ( i.e. pet hair ) I put it in a container and save it. I even use those fan leaves that have no trichomes on it. I have also used males too.. I make sure its really dry.. then I take coffee grinder and grind up the material.

I made a device using PVC pipe. ( some say its hazardous but I been told its not) I plan on switching to steel pipe. Anyways I glued some threaded ends, took two end caps used a small bit to drill holes in one end cap like a salt or peper container. I drill the other one the size of the nozzle of the butane. took coffee filter cut a circle and attached to end cap with 3-5 holes in it. The pipe is about 5-6 inches long. I go outside for safety, and I take the butane and place nozzle on device. I hold it using a glove since I did not build a support for the device. Works fine for me. I used a pyrex glass to hold the butane in. I used the whole bottle and i get a butane in the glass dish. It ONLY extracts the thc and converts some of the thc into a more active psychoative form I been told, especially if you whip it up into "budder" I get another glass dish bigger then the one currently with butane mix in, and I place hot water in that, because Butane has a low boiling point she will start to boil almost imediately. giver her some time and blow some air on top to allow faster evap. After 10 mins the butane should all be evaoporate whats left is "honey oil" or bho. I use a blade to scrape all of this. I get a generous amount considering I am workign with small amounts. I havent used anythign prime like good trim yet. I used some decent mid buds about 5 grams worth or so. This method is awesome, it gets me freaking high like a kite. Great way to use any leftover trim. I like this method more then bubblehash. No expensive equipment and it doesnt take much to get a decent amount. I get a Q tip size worth from just shake n stems. I then take the honey oil that I made, and I roll her up in dro.. then take that and roll her up in kief. I then take this and break off small amounts and put it on top of my my bowl and light..

Man this stuff really is great and is simple.

Butane is flammable but I never had a problem doing it , being outside with a nice draft present and no open flames, I had nothing to worry about.
be careful some pvc is toxic others arnt i think its the schedual 40 you wanna use but not sure it would need to be researched and the butane must be researched to as some have harmfull shit in there

i had some of my butter twice. i'm scared of it now. it's strong.
i feel ya bro i was at a fest had one o my brownies and couldnt move from under that tree i was layin under it was scary at times yes
so i ate one the next day too and it was just as hard to move that day too
thinking about edibles recently, thinking of eating some before the plane ride this holiday. would that get me too tripped out? lol

and... bump
too tripped out???? its only weed dude you will servive
it does help some times to have someone to lean on
too tripped out???? its only weed dude you will servive
it does help some times to have someone to lean on

taking a plane is already fucked up enough, i'm not looking forward to the security anxiety either. i know weed wont kill me (if it could it already would have) but my cookies are just crazy strong and disorienting, lol.
The butane I use is safe and of high quality. Same with pvc.. I plan on upgrading to steel though.. thanks though for info...

Weed can be strong for some people. I only had one time thought I smoked too much.. I think it was la confidential or og kush.. I was at wally world high off my mind... lol.. I smoked it and still thought I was wasted lol..

BHO is some good stuff..
yeah, edibles can be scarry strong. i always tell my friends who want to eat a lot to not hit me up when they're tripping balls and can't hang, lol. buyer/eater beware.

Now ya tell me. Damn, my cuz had a couple slices of canna-cinnamon toast with me yesterday and wound up going under. I had to put a blanket over him when I went to bed. fucker snores like hell...

Edibles are to go only now!
haha, i've been there waaaaay too many times. one chick i knew called an ambulance for herself, her family freaked the fuck out... not fun having an entire latin family pissed off at you, trust me.

I call it "Cheech-ing" when somebody trips out from weed. we all know someone who is a "Cheech".
this is very different from "Chong-ing" aka milking the bong.
OK i got the same crock pot from wallmart today how much water did you use??
i dnt measure the amount of water i use i just fill it until it covers the herb and maybe a lil more just enuff t float it there is a faq on it in the grow faq that will give you step by step instructions i will try to post the link
hope it helps

Use your crock-pot; start off on high (@300 degrees F) with 2 cups of water per stick and 1/3 of butter. This will yield about a stick or a bit more (1/2 cup) because some is lost during the filtering process.

Now add the bud -- in this case about a quarter of finely chopped prime outdoor AK47 cross. Don't forget those stems as they contribute too! You can use up to a ½ oz of bud per stick, or even more trim -- up to 2 or more ozs. Just be SURE to increase the water as you increase the amount of plant material.

Cook on high, stirring and mashing occasionally, for about 3 hours. Then reduce the heat to low (@ 150 degrees F) for a further 3 more hours. This will yield a dark oily liquid with the wet mass of leaf material mixed in.


To separate the plant matter, go to Walmart (or any fabric store) and purchase a length of cheesecloth -- it is cheap. Attach a TRIPLE LAYER of cheesecloth to a plastic cup large enough to hold the entire contents of the crock-pot -- be SURE the cup is large enough BEFORE you begin to pour!

Try to pour just the liquid through the cheesecloth, but invariably, some plant matter will fall onto the cloth -- no worries -- keep pouring. When all of the liquid is poured, use a wooden spoon or something similar and SLIGHTLY mash the plant matter in the pot and the top of the cheesecloth to squeeze as much butter as you can out of the material.... DO NOT SQEEZE TOO MUCH... just a bit... too much squeezing will put WAY TOO MUCH nasty MJ taste into the butter and WILL NOT improve the potency!


Set the cup in the refrigerator (NOT the freezer!) for a couple of hours -- the butter will gradually rise to the top of the water and harden into a greenish cake. Doing a good job of filtering will reduce the green shade, approaching a yellow, butter like color. This is GOOD!

Note this fresh, hot batch, I find that a pasta keeper is the best thing to use because it gradually widens toward the top -- this allows for easier removal.

Once the butter is VERY firm, take the cup out and stand over your sink. Hold your one hand over the top of the cup and invert the cup. The plug of butter will stay in the cup and hold the water in as well. Squeeze the sides of the cup (this is WHY you use a PLASTIC cup to begin with!) in the wastewater area, to coax the butter plug out the top. Carefully rinse any silty green slime off of the bottom of the butter plug -- this stuff is NASTY and contributes 90% of the icky taste.

If care was taken, the view form the ?water side? of the plug should yield similar to the one shown.

Here?s the 'air side' view of the same plug up close. You will never be able to clear the dark green color caused by the minute solution-suspended particles of plant matter (if you do, PLEASE share with me!), but the golden color edge is almost completely clear of the green matter -- ideal.


And finally, a shot of the cake re-melted (about 30 seconds to 1 min in the microwave) and ready for use in your favorite recipe! Even though the liquid has a dark green cast to it, it?s still almost free of plant matter... Enjoy!

i let it solidify as much as i can, helps to throw it in the freezer for 30min before cooling in the fridge.
after its out of the sludge, it's ready to go. no curing i don't think, lol