Making Hash from Males for Selective Breeding


Well-Known Member
I made some water hash with a male last season and got about a gram of golden honey colored 75u bubble :weed:

It had a very up sativa high and was quite sticky, like my other Sativa hash.

It came from a plant I intended to use for Pollination of my Kush mothers. I had cut the top off the male and collected the pollen, then took the leaf and made bubble out of it.

I have the small one gallon bubble bag kit, so I did a small batch with just that leaf.

After I sampled the male hash I thought it was not too bad so I tried to make hash from another male. This plant was about the same size as the first one and I used the same amount of leaf. But I did not get the same yield or quality as the first batch of bubble from the other male.

So I was thinking that this may be a good technique breeders could use for Male Selection.

Choosing a male for breeding is difficult because you don't know how much THC its progeny will have. Breeders use a few males and pollinate the mother they want to use then sample the resulting seed.

But if you can find a male that yields more hash then your others. Its a safe bet that it would be a good male selection for a high THC trait.

Next season iam gonna grow out some of the Kush Seed I made and use this Technique to select a male. Then use him to pollinate a branch on a few of the females that look to be the best.

A sampling of the females when harvested will tell me which one will produce the strongest seeds.

Use those seeds to begin the recurrent selection process all over again.


Well-Known Member
This works, and it's been used and may still be used. I don't recall where I heard about it, and few know about it, and it's not in a book.

It's also done with females, because it's a better measure than opinions.