Making the most out of your grow!


Active Member
Evening all!

So, lets say youve just finished growing. You have a lovely big plant, everythings fine and your ready to tuck in and reap what youve sown. My question is, when your plants finished, other then just cutting it down and getting the green off, what else can you do with it? I dont mean other ways to intake, I mean stretching the plants resources to the maximum and making the most out of your baby. Getting a 100% out of her.

Yea, anyways, so what can you do to get everything you can out of one plant?

Thanks! :]


Well-Known Member
Check out the grow faqs. Look under harvesting and curing. You will find more info than you could need.

go forth and


Well-Known Member
Other than Bot's advice, I would recommend a hefty dark period before harvesting. 72 hours of darkness will usually trick the plant into thinking it's dying, the plant in turn forces all of it's energy to resin and flower production. Give it a rip, you'll be happy with the results.



Well-Known Member
Other than Bot's advice, I would recommend a hefty dark period before harvesting. 72 hours of darkness will usually trick the plant into thinking it's dying, the plant in turn forces all of it's energy to resin and flower production. Give it a rip, you'll be happy with the results.

I might have to give that a try.


Well-Known Member
Make sure you search for "In titles" only. I don't no why but I can't get it to work for "In Post" searches.

Or just use google with the inURL() parm. for rollitup. Its even faster.


Active Member
Yea, I was having probs with the search engine thing and couldnt find my way around the site. Im pretty fuckin useless, I suppose. Anyway, I didnt think you sounded like a dick, to be honest, Bot. Its all cool.

I think ill have to try that dark period thing. Sounds good. So can you clearly notice the difference with and without the dark period?


Well-Known Member
Some people claim that 24 or more hours of darkness at the onset of the flowering cycle is better. Others claim it has no effect. I personally have never seen it done side by side with a decent amount of clones in an experamintal stye. That is what it would take to convince me.

I guess it couldn't hurt to try though.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I also use a 24 hour period of darkness to begin my flower period, the same knowledge applies to that change. The idea is to shock the plant into change, so I do 24 hours of dark followed by 18/6 for two weeks, followed of course by the 7-11 weeks of additional 12/12. You will like the results with the dark period, if you really want some piece of mind, grab a green hue bulb from Home Depot, Canadian Tire, Walmart, etc. and you can monitor the changes to your plants environment for the 72 hour cycle. The green hue won't negatively affect the dark cycle, but will still allow you to watch your babies grow. Hope I could be of some use :)
