making weed legal with 1phone call?


Well-Known Member
Before you go on to reading the rest of this thread please call xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I personally think it's all fake. But I gave my vote. Anything to keep it from ruining your police record. Get cops off ours nuts some way or another.

This thread was about a phone in pettetion. All the people who have posted on this thread agree that it is more than likely a scam. So please diregard the original thread. But feel free to post anything that might be on your mind. Suit I've got a couple of things to say.
I'm proud to be part of this growing community. I found out today that people do looknout for each other & I feel a sense of pride to say that true friendly people do exist & it's quite sad to say that every ignorant person out there has to judge us by what we stuff in our pipes. Were all bad people & criminals. Fuck all you people against what our choices are. All these people enjoy real good herb & we all function as normal citizens in whatever society we are in. I've ran into more friendly people willing to watch out for each other on this site then I have any where else in my own real life community.
thanks to every1 on rollitup were not criminals. Were not fuck ups. We are not a burden to society. We are just as responsible as any sober person out there. We are the people that seem to spread love & peace unconditionally & we help each other out unwittingly. You know what? Don't legalize weed! We'll keep our fucking choices away & private from all these narrow minded people! I'm glad to be what I am. Call me whatever name you want. I smoke weed. I'm not alone. & I love it just like every1 else here. You can put up as many las as you can, you'll never force my mind to change how it thinks & you'll never get my heart to stop loving what I love.
Thanks to every1 on rollitup just thanks for being to think for yourself & never letting any1s opinions change who you want to be & who you are.


Well-Known Member
They're exploiting people... people who are willing to put themselves behind a cause and do whatever they can to forward it. It's pathetic, but scams like this will crop up with more and more frequency as long as the economy continues to shit all over our foreheads.


Well-Known Member
that's what I'm thinking. It sounds like whatevers. But how can it be a scam? They don't ask for money. Or your name. Just a simple "press pound"

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
I cant even reach it, I try calling, and its just an automated voice saying my call didnt go through...oh well, I might as well of tried it...even though I realize, this wont be what gets marijuana legalized...

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
nevermind, just got through, pressed pound...I think its just a small legit campaign, just like if someone went around getting millions of people to sign a petition, doesnt mean shits gonna happen...


Well-Known Member
How do they get your money? You press pound and they charge $9.99 to your phone bill.
Shut up! Haha I never thought of that. But really it sounds sanely reasonable. They don't ask for anything & they give a whole little speech of what they are doing. I still wish I could find a way to follow up with this "pettetion"


Before you go on to reading the rest of this thread please call xxxxxxxxxxxxx

I personally think it's all fake. But I gave my vote. Anything to keep it from ruining your police record. Get cops off ours nuts some way or another.
There is a huge possibility that anyone who listens to you and calls that number will get scammed. You may want to edit it out for now.

More info:



Well-Known Member
Haha aww so not cool. Well it's for the better of the community. I just thought i'd share something trippy with every1. It did start off as a text message though. It really had me scratching my noodle. Damn people with their scams & stuff. Get a job. Grow some bud. Start a pyramid scheme gosh get a life. Wait... No pryamid scheme were all against that 1.


New Member
i called and immediatly after i hung up i get a call from mediacom (my internet, phone, cable company) saying i have several new charges on my phone bill and they was chastising me bout it for like 5 minutes, i was like fuck it i'll pay it, click.

so its a scam and now i have a few extra dollars to fork up on tha first!!!!

i fucking hate people who create those things!
this sucks.