Male,Female or Hermaphrodite


Well-Known Member
They look fine. The lower bud looks "weird" because its not getting very much light and will end up being a very loose, fluffy bud. But the tops look Great! I dont see any hermies or balls, they look female to me.



Active Member
Great news...i was really worried there for a while.
thanks guys
just hope they waste as good as they smell mmmmm :bigjoint:

Heres a group photo



Active Member
Just a quick update..Dried & weighed i got 17oz from two 4 foot sweet tooth's & i can confirm there all woman lol bongsmilie
oh & thanks for the rep Mr Parker :blsmoke:


Active Member
I have a 400watt HPS MH lighting setup. Growing in quality soil with superthrive and blood and bone, but not until they are big enough to take the food. The first time they all went male and now about every plant is turning male. Its a waste of time and power. Is there a reason why my plants always turn male? Most of them only grow under 30 cm and they bud too early. I'm getting a MH with a red spectrum, so I am hoping that will produce better results. And how do you get feminized seeds or have a higher percentage rate that they will be female? Plz Help