male female prediction....have a guess


Well-Known Member
hello all,

this is my second grow and even though i havent been growing for such a long time, i'm gonna try and predict which ones of my 4 plants will be male or female.

i know that no one can actully tell a plants sex before you flower (without fem seeds) but from my last grow i grew 2 seeds 1 was male and 1 was female and i could tell a distinct differenciation between the two. i now have 4 plants that are currnently veging and are 27 days old (a month pretty much) and i can see and smell those differences.

i'll give my prediction and you can join in aswell and we'll see how gets it right. or close.

so pic 1 is a shot of them all and the individule plant shots are plant 1-4



Well-Known Member
so my prediction is........

plant 1- female
plant 2- female
plant 3- female
plant 4- male


Junior Creatologist
plant1 - female
plant2 - male
plant3 - female
plant4 - female

Hey, whats goin on with your tops? did you fim or somethin??


Well-Known Member
all female!!! :)

i like you.

They are all white widow nivana seeds.

The guy who said all male. dont jynx my grow dude. lol

will post more pics soon, repotted them a couple of days ago and they are growing awsome.

keep posting guys...

P.S yeh the crazy tops are about two days after i FIMed them

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
one thing i have allways noticed is the males seem to grow quicker and taller during veg than the females and 9 times out of ten the males show sex first .


Well-Known Member
haha, the winner gets to know he was right.

nothing better than an ego boost. lol

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Not to ruin your wonderful game (and i love guessing games), but if you really wanna know the sex before flowering and wasting growspace on potential males, just cover one of the lower branches every day so it's getting 12 hours of dark, and that branch will start flowering!
Srsly tho, props for this thread, maybe it's just cos I'm stoned but I really appreciate this. My two cents?
Plant 1, Female
Plant 2, Male
Plant 3, Female
Plant 4, Female


Active Member
haha yes this is sweet

plant 1 - female
plant 2 - male
plant 3 - female
plant 4 - male

i'm gona nick this idea in a wee while =P x



Well-Known Member
pic update guys.... who will be the winner......i will try and think of something for the winner....any POSSABLE suggestions? maybe....write a death metal song about your user name or a topic of your choice and i will upload it and post a link for the winner and all to listen to.... haha, im a music tech student.

