Male or Female? - hard to tell. Pics inside


Well-Known Member
You got hermi action dude. Tough break. And you say these are from bag seed? Wow, I've never seen so much hermaphroditic growth from so many plants that weren't feminized. Did they get stressed somehow? Maybe nute or Ph problem at some point? Doesn't look good at this point. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
i'm still kind of new at this but i would say that every picture you posted is a male..............sorry


I got those seeds from someone, without a clue of their origin, nor the way they were kept. They seemed to be growing very nice and healthy all the way to the point they all started to look male. Damn!

Regarding stress, they were getting very little nutes. They seemed to be doing just fine with just very small quantities, so I didn't use more than a little. Regarding the Ph, I don't know as I never measured. Again - I thought if they look healthy and grow well than probably everything was alright.

By the way, after doing a lot of research, it still sounds strange to me that the way they're being grown can affect their sex. My logic tells me it should be only DNA which is predetermined in the seed itself. It's only biology after all (all botany to be more exact).

So after reading the replies you guys wrote, it's either male or hermi. Either way I'm fucked. Right? Anyone wants to say otherwise?


Well-Known Member
male or female
its both a shim
a male herm

we normally see female herms because we normally kill males



Ok - so the situation now is the following:

1 closet grow area.
1 definitely female.
4 herms.

Let's say that I can't have the option now to take cuttings from the female and start over with those (I'm leaving for the next 3 weeks and my roommate is not capable of maintaining them).

If I want to get maximum weight of smokable yield. Should I:
1. leave only the female and kill the rest.
2. leave all of them, knowing that the female will get pollinated, and I'll end up with a lot of seeds, but maybe more to smoke overall (from the 5 of them).

Which option will produce more?


Well-Known Member
With the "hairs" I see in the pics, and in those same pics you see the "ball" sacks, that alludes to a hermaphroditic plant, nothing more nothing less. There is a similar result that is called "inter-sexed". I have attached a pic. This is both male and female but starts as female and shows the "nanners" (banana looking yellow parts). It was actually my first grow and it was with bag seeds. I wasn't about to throw out the months I invested, so I smoked it anyway. Damn nice smoke. Your plants look more male than female so I'm assuming you have basic hermi growth. If it continues to show more and more "balls" than hairs, get rid of them. If you have a hermi that you take seeds from, those seeds are what you've heard as feminized seeds and will be 95% female. But you have to go through till harvest to get those. Good luck.bongsmilie Smoke on brothers and sisters in hemptitude:mrgreen:.



Well-Known Member
you talk as if you have female herms you have male herms if you keep you are not goig to have much to smoke will have a lot of pollen

not enough pistils to even form buds just a few scattered hairs

if it were a female herm would be different

sorry for bad news


Hey again,

It's 5.5 weeks flowering.

I decided to keep going on with all of them, and left for a 3 week vacation. After a 3 weeks vacation with my roommate in charge, I came back to see a disaster. Out of 5 plants, 2 were almost completely male, with tons of pollen filling the grow area. The single one that was a female and the two hermies were pollinated and grew many seeds. And to top things, he didn't notice the timer went broke and they got full 3 days of light!

However, there are some buds among the 3 (I killed the other two) and I'm keeping them.

Few questions:
1. I read that if a female grows pollen sacks and those pollens pollinate a female - it should produce feminized seeds. Correct?
2. How do I know if my herms are male-herms (i.e. males growing female organs) or female-herms (i.e. females growing male organs)? This is important to create the feminized seeds, right?

BTW - I'm in a hot country, and the temperatures were high since day 1 of seeding, around 25c-40c. Could this be the reason for me getting 9 males/hermies out of 10 seeds?

Will post pics soon.

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
female + female = female
male + female = 50%/50%

You should have chopped the males and left the female. But no use crying over spilled milk :)

Those were distinctly male, so either they didn't have pistols (maybe mistaking something else), or it's a male hermie imo (never heard of this myself...).
You don't want to use hermies to create feminized seeds. You use one of several compounds that induce male flowers. hermie seeds are just plain bad imo.

I personally think hermies are less common than others seem to think, and with bag seed who knows what it came from (after all you found seeds in it). 9 out of 10 males is pretty high though...