Male or Female? Help!!

grape swisha

Well-Known Member
i wouldnt smoke the males plants unless you want a headache. put it to better use and make some hash or use a vape.


Active Member
bump. can someone help me here please

they all don't have those nuts thingy's at the nodes it seems... I took pictures of the nodes and i tried to pull the fan leaves back


Active Member
I believe that, the last picture that you posted is a male. I am new to this but from all of the pictures that I have seen that is a male.


Active Member
Plant 4 is definitely a male. I agree with grape swisha, do not smoke him unless you want a headache. So go ahead and make some hash. Also, remove that male from the room IMMEDIATELY! Hopefully he has not had the chance to seed the whole crop. I used to mistake the new leaf sprouts for the white hairs (probably because I was soooo excited or more like stoned), so don't forget to check under the leaves for pollen sacks until you are certain they are not a male or a hermie. Hidden pollen sacks on a hermie it what got me on my first grow :wall: Good Luck and happy growing!bongsmilie
Oh, and you need to work on some better pics. it make it easier for others to help you out.