Male or Female w/ sh@!ty pics.


Active Member
This is my biggest plant. 12/12 for 1 week. The top looks like an inverted bunck of grapes you get the idea. The pics suck, im sorry. Any help is appreciated. I want to know for sure before I kill him/her.



Well-Known Member
no they didnt work for me either..but you said it looks like a cluster of grapes? kinda sounds like male pollen balls to me, the females dont produce anything round looking except some dry round buds. I would not trash it till your sure, again it just sounds male. If you can get some pics that actually work someone on here should be able to answer that for sure. U can also post an attachment pic in your thread if that is easier. When making your thread scrol down to attachments, click that, browse your PC for the pics and add them, it will place small attached pics to you thread instead of a seperate link