Male or female?


Well-Known Member
Not a great pic tbh.
I will say it has the suggestion that its male but v early..
Don't think a few more days to confirm will hurt.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
I’d be extremely surprised if you don’t end up with all hermies. Bag seed aren’t exactly feminized seeds. True female don’t produce seeds. So if there were seeds in a bag you purchased, chalk it up to bad genetics, and those genetics will continue through those seeds. I won’t count out the potential of having a female, just don’t be surprised if you don’t.


Well-Known Member
my previous grow was from bag seed as well and I ended up with 2 pure females no hermies, but they weren’t as bushy as this one ... if it ended up being a herm, do you think think it’s worth growing it? I feel bad throwing a healthy dense plant


Well-Known Member
If its gonna grow pollen sacs I would keep it long enough to harvest the pollen (it'll keep in freezer for a good while!) while vegging the next plant.

Bag seed is most likely from rodelization - so always worth a punt and if the original plant was a fem seed it'll throw fem seeds


Well-Known Member
my previous grow was from bag seed as well and I ended up with 2 pure females no hermies, but they weren’t as bushy as this one ... if it ended up being a herm, do you think think it’s worth growing it? I feel bad throwing a healthy dense plant
Get ready for a crap load of seeds if you do, not as much weight, but still gets you just as high. Just make sure to keep it separated from the other girls. The herm still pollinates.

Doug Dawson

Well-Known Member
I think this one is Male but it took longer than my other female to show a sign and it’s way more bushy! I was shocked and very disappointed when I saw a small ball.

posting this to know for sure if I’m right.

(it’s a bag seed, don’t know the strain)
Too hard to tell but a healthy looking plant. There will be much growth before anything starts producing pollen, just keep going and watch it closely.


Well-Known Member
(Update) so the same plant just started producing female flowers (picture with the red circle),
not just one flower but plenty... I’m a bit confused now... I think it’s a hermie but I’m not 100% sure.
Pollen sacks allegedly (picture with blue circle)
Sorry about the quality of pictures, they’re not very clear