Male or Female


New Member
Hello everyone,

This is my first grow and was wondering if one of my plants is a male or not.
I have these two plants which I'm growing hydroponically and I've switched the lighting to 12/12 about 18 days ago.
One plant is definately a female (oh yes baby) see pic #1 & 2.
The other one seems to be a male from the little balls or what they look like pollen sacs.....not sure though......see pic #3 and on.

Anyhow, what I did is cut those balls off and also cut the very top and placed in water as you can see in pic #7 & 8

If this plant is a I too late to pull it out or has it pollenized my sweet lady already.



Sativa Dragon

Active Member
5 6 and 7 look like male parts it is difficult to see but I think I see the makings of a male, let it grow a bit more and those balls will dangle then you know for sure.


New Member
5 6 and 7 look like male parts it is difficult to see but I think I see the makings of a male, let it grow a bit more and those balls will dangle then you know for sure.
Yes in pic 7 it looks like the sac may have aleady opened .
Then again ....was it a sac?

When do you see those balls hanging anyhow.....after those little sacs open up?.....
I'm A a little puzzled bacause I haven;t seen anything hanging yet but I did see little ball shaped things that may have looked like a pollen sac

Anyhow, here aRE PICS of the plant with the top off....poor

