Male or female?


Well-Known Member
You can't tell yet. Why do people always ask male or female when you cannot tell? Just wait. Holy crap its either gunna show bud or balls. You wait till then and you find out. OMG! Cannabis is like 70% patience 30% knowledge.


Well-Known Member
Looking kind of male but still to early to tell. give it a few more days, assuming you are in 12/12


ya im in 12/12 and as for Dibbsey.... idk about you but im not trying to pollinate the other many plants I have with these.... so yes I would rather pre-ejaculate with my question then to be fucked :) have a good everyone. thanks for the answers.


Well-Known Member
Just check it every day and it'll start showing sex. If it's a male it will release pollen in a few weeks. Think it's about 14-20 day's but am not sure.


Well-Known Member
so far no sign of balls. keep your fingers crossed.

I'v been growing for a few years and from your pics i would say you got's girls.