Male plant question


Active Member
i recently became interested with growing, and learned that ONE male can ruin and entire crop (if you grow with females) - its probly a waste becuz :A: it dies after it releases spores, :B: it can ruin female plants :c: Male plants dont have the same chemistry of female plants, so they arnt as wanted as pure, female plants.


Well-Known Member
not unless u wants seeeds, other than that there usless?, the male sprodcue pollen for the females to produce seeeds?

The Boy

Well-Known Member
the male will pollinate the females and then the females produce seeds instead of bud.
And you probably don't want that.


Active Member
Let me just clear this up for you.

Girls = what you want (flowers, vagina)
Guys = NO (unless you swing that way)

Kill them. The females produce the "fruits."


Well-Known Member
Is this your only plant? If it is your only plant you could raise it to make hash. Then you would still need to thouroughly sterilize your room if you plan on having females in there.