male plants?


Active Member
:roll: Is there anything you can do with male plants? I have 3 out of my whole grow that uprooted and was there anyting else I can do besides toss them?:?:

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
Weed cigars….

it’s best to use semi- dried or un-dried bud… but if you use pre-dried bud just powder it using scissors and shot glass this is the filler obviously…. then
Make” glue" with 1/4 tsp. flour and 2 or 3 tbsp. water. Microwave the mix for 15 seconds, mix and microwave again. Repeat until the mixture is a thin paste. Set aside to cool and thicken… Then grab some of the larger un-dried fan leaves male or female… take the single blades and lay them at a diagonal, overlapping, lightly using your glue mixture to hold them together go as long as long as you like or however many leaf blades you have… I usually go the length of a cigarette… its easier to handle the leaves are fragile and will rip easily, when rolling… let it dry a little if your leaves get a little brittle just put a damp was cloth under it. Once the glue sticks trim into square and use like a blunt paper… I usually use two wrappings for a slower more even burn plus it seals any holes and rips I missed… take the glue seal it and let dry you’ll know when its ready… it’s a process and sometimes I’ll make beautiful wraps and end up screwing up and have to start over… but it just a novel way to smoke weed I usually roll some around the holidays, and the reaction I get from my friends and family make it worth the time and effort