Man killed in sacramento for trying to rob plants. One up for us growers *woot woot*

more with video. Looks like murder they are saying now.

With a grow like that you should be camping in your backyard. I woud not give a ripper a chance to sneak in. You have to be outside all night with grows like this in surburbia. Not that it changes anything. But as you can see many neighbors could see this grow. I am typing from my van 10 feet from my plants right now. Any ripper would see me before he even jumped the fence. That would not stop the jackers but it will the rippers.

Besides that understand the law if you protect your grow with a gun.
Yah that was a local news channel in Sac footage of the grow site shooting. They said the growers let them in to take pics. Altleast 6 houses could see his plants. This is the only reason I said I would be camping out with my plants. IMO grows like this should be patroled by the grower at night.

I have no real opinion right now. I need more facts. But being the ripper was beat? They said 2 home owners. Perhaps one was fighting and the other came out with a gun and killed him in self defense. Or they caught him and beat him first then shot him.
Just to put it out there when I use the term fag I'm not referring to gay people. Granted I should probably find a diff word to describe them but oh well get over it. N when I say I abuse the mmj system I mean that I like 90% of the people who have a card could live fine without weed. To me if u don't have cancer or somethin of that level of seriousness u don't need it. As a matter of fact I haven't smoked in 6 months because I am lookin to get hired on as a diesel mechanic at my job n they drug test for that position. But california law puts the decision of whether one needs it or not in the hands of the doctors and my doctor said that she believes I can benefit from the use of mj so fuck off. My grow is legal due to the fact that the state limit on plants got thrown out n there is no city limit set in sacramento so its up to the officer who should happen to discover my grow to decide whether its too much for my needs or not so until a cop says I have too much I'm legit. N its also legal to "donate" to dispensaries so if I'm abusin the system then so r a lot of other people. Forgive me for not havin a job that pays enough to live the way I wanna live. I don't have any kids of my own but I have three dogs n a lot of family members that depend on me for the help I can provide. So before u wanna go on passin judgement about me by sayin I'm trash n in the same category as the thieves y don't u get my entire story straight. I'm not a street corner weed hustler I do it as legit as the next man don't fault me cuz there r loopholes in the california mmj system that make it possible for people like myself, who don't techbically need to use mj, able to grow n profit from mj. I'm not the one out there lookin to rip off plants. Hell if u care to know I have two cousins who go around n rip off plants every year n if they were to get killed doin so then so be it. I would be sad but I would not blame nor hold a grudge towards the person who shot them.
steal or attempt to steal someone elses hard work, pay the price.

I don't see why people are so tripped out over somebody killing over this shit.

you realize if you hav ea full garden that's going to basically keep you financially stable for the next year, if some fuck tries to fuck with my livelyhood for hte next year I have no problem shooting at them, and if they shoot back I have NO problem shooting them back as well.

fuck croppers.
There is more of this story to come but with the media, they will spin it with bias against the grower. I've been robbed over my grow and it's not fun when you have a gun stuck into your face by some idiot. I'm hooked to a machine 24/7 and cannot chase someone down, but if they try entering my house? It's def gonna end bad. I grow for medical use and I help others who cannot grow, you have a legit need then I have compassion and will help but if you want to take something then why should I feel one morsel of pity for your action?
I've met lots of people who share my values and I'm sure I'll meet many more before I die, but I don't want to meet someone who has no appreciation for others rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happieness. Marijuana is easy to grow, shit you can get sexed clones and that's the most difficult part of growing. So if some lazy ass thief gets beat to death, shot or dissapears, then I'm sure the rest of us are the better off for it? My two cents..
Here in Colorado we have the "make my day law", my right like it or not. Come on to my property with intent of stealing or attack. Click clack

They just updated this law in my state in order to protect homeowners from prosecution in the event of a home invansion. Up until that point, you were expected to make a "retreat" before engaging in any sort of force. It allows the use of deadly force in the event of an attempted kidnapping or sexual assault.

I don't think I'd go blasting away because someone was merely on my property. They would have to be in or attempting to enter my home. This guy is pretty much screwed. For one, he wasn't growing legally in his state, so they are more than likely going to paint it in the media as "drug violence." At least they would were I live. Second, if the man was only in the backyard and not in the house, and they already knew his intent was to steal plants (and not commit bodily harm) he is going to have a tough time trying to prove self defense, even if California has a "Castle Doctrine."
Bunch of fucking bleeding hearts here at RUI. Thieves, trespassers and robbers should be maimed alive and killed off so they can't testify against you. This homeowner did right thing and more homeowners/growers should do the same.
Bunch of fucking bleeding hearts here at RUI. Thieves, trespassers and robbers should be maimed alive and killed off so they can't testify against you. This homeowner did right thing and more homeowners/growers should do the same.
Would you shoot someone for taking a bunch of tomatos from your garden?
many yrs ago before the kids came along i awoke to someone in the house with the wife n i. i chased him out of the house n cought the no good sob a bit diwn the road. tought him a little justice with a staff i had by the door. when the cops arrived we were both arrested n carted off to jail, me for assalt n him for breaking n entering an occupied dwelling. the cop informed me gun and q 021.jpgi could kill him inside the house n no problems but once he left the residence it was a dif story. my persuit n action against him caused me to spend the rest of the night in jail, 3 grand in fines n court cost n be on probation for 6 mo. where is the justice in that??? you liberal fuckers can waste your breath convincing others its not right to shoot someone entering their home but dont try n convence me...if you enter my home by sneak or force i promise i will ventilate you untill you quit moving or you kill me. i have arms that are loaded, i have the ability, n i have the desire to protect whats too God Damn old to even think i could stop someone phisically even if i wanted to nuf said...JMO

oh! n from what i understand by reading the news clip n listening to the reporter the sob was inside the house not in the yard...rule #1 if past threshold shoot to kill, if not shoot to kill n drag their sorry ass inside...

meet my home security system muthafuker.... if that doesnt work i will tie you up and keep you in the basement for a few weeks. then i would rent a wood chipper and turn you into mulch. plenty of nutes in blood.
Would you shoot someone for taking a bunch of tomatos from your garden?

I have real big, simple reading(no espanol) signs routed into wood posted all around my property as:
"WARNING: No trespassing. Violators will be maimed and killed" I look forward to that. The person would've trespassed with intent. And s/he end up as slow release nutrients for my whole garden next year.
I have real big, simple reading(no espanol) signs routed into wood posted all around my property as:
"WARNING: No trespassing. Violators will be maimed and killed" I look forward to that. The person would've trespassed with intent. And s/he end up as slow release nutrients for my whole garden next year.
Yeah yeah yeah, talk talk talk. If you shoot someone over a plant you're a complete loser and need to get a life. Noones life is worth less than plants, thats all they are. And if you depend on them for income, you need to get a steady job.
So stealing from you aint a bitch move?

I shoot anything that comes on my property, neighborhood dogs and cats.tht try to piss all over my yard, i got a benjamin sherridian .22 pump air pellet gun.

I would not hesitate to kill a robber. I love my family more then some lowlife crackhead menace to society motherfucker, so if thats you, nothing in my house is worth your life.

I also got stickers around the outside of "i dont dial 911, i dial .357"

i have no problem with shooting an intruder to protect your family or property or whatever. the part of the story i don't like is where it said there were gunshot wound AND injuries to the upper body. that leads me to believe that they caught the guy, beat his ass, then shot him anyway. if so that's WAY not cool. that type of lack of restraint is exactly why i have to jump through so many hoops to get a permit. i also won't be very pleased if it comes to light that they shot the guy in the back if he was running away. i don't give a fuck what the situation is, shooting someone who is running from you is a bitch move. other than these two scenarios they had every right to take care of their shit.
id like to see what you would do if 5 crackhead tweakers broke into your house to rob you. What would you do?

Kick yourself in the ass for not buying a gun

Take it like a bitch

Get robbed, raped and tortured cause you didnt have a gun, thats gotta suck, to sit there and the last thing you think about is you giving people on riu who love guns and use them for self defense shit about doing so.

QUOTE=Harrekin;6336555]Yeah yeah yeah, talk talk talk. If you shoot someone over a plant you're a complete loser and need to get a life. Noones life is

worth less than plants, thats all they are. And if you depend on them for income, you need to get a steady job.[/QUOTE]
id like to see what you would do if 5 crackhead tweakers broke into your house to rob you. What would you do?

Kick yourself in the ass for not buying a gun

Take it like a bitch

Get robbed, raped and tortured cause you didnt have a gun, thats gotta suck, to sit there and the last thing you think about is you giving people on riu who love guns and use them for self defense shit about doing so.

QUOTE=Harrekin;6336555]Yeah yeah yeah, talk talk talk. If you shoot someone over a plant you're a complete loser and need to get a life. Noones life is

worth less than plants, thats all they are. And if you depend on them for income, you need to get a steady job.
If someone came into my house it'd be a different story, but shooting someone over plants is sad.

Oly doesnt your God (that you're such a fanboi for) state "Thou shalt not kill" ?